Vote Severin for IUP Congressman (Dublin)

Day 489, 17:25 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization
A little about myself: I am currently a Ranger in the Irish Defense Forces, I own a modest Q2 gift company and I run the newspaper Severin Says, which has published three articles targeted at helping new citizens (I plan to write more in the future). Finally, I am a proud member of the Irish Union Party.

Where I stan😛

Society - Our country has grown a lot in the last month and we should be prepared for further growth. I think new citizens are imperative to the success of eIreland in the future. I myself have helped new citizens (through my articles and pms) and now wish to represent them at a national level. I recognize strength in numbers is not enough and we also need strength through unity. I also applaud Pdiddy's efforts as Minister of Health and would continue to support the gifting program.

Economy - In the interest of protecting the liberty of individual's and promoting economic growth I am against state interference in the market, except for stock pilling purposes for our national defense.

Democracy- As we do not have an uncodified constitution in eIreland (we do not have common law or statute laws), in the interest of democracy, I believe a written constitution is necessary. To quote Thomas Paine “Government without a constitution is Power without Right”. Furthermore, I believe a referendum should always be put before eIrish citizens when voting on sensitive matters, our citizens should not have to ask for one.

Foreign Policy - I promise to oppose any threats to our neutrality. While I strongly believe eIreland should continue to trade and talk with other countries we should stay clear of military alliances. I support our membership in the ESA however will totally oppose it if it ever were to militarize. I am first and foremost concerned with the security of eIrish citizens however I would support the IDF being sent abroad in the interest of protecting smaller countries against imperialism which I feel is our moral obligation (I myself have fought in resistance battles in Austria and Australia).

I Promise:

Accountability - I will inform citizens on my activities in the Dáil.

Activity - I will serve my entire term as Congressman with consistent dedication and integrity.

Approachability - I will encourage citizens to contact me with questions, suggestions and criticism.

A vote for me will not be a vote wasted and would be greatly appreciated.

If you have questions please contact me,
Thank you for your time,
