Vote SamGibz In KwaZula Nata Re-Release

Day 794, 13:50 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz
Hello eSouth Africa!

I am going to be running for congress in KwaZulu Natal under the banner of the Suid-Afrikaanse Legioen. I am an existing congressman and as I am sure you are aware, Director of Education. Other roles to add to my portfolio are that I am at present, Ambassador to eBolivia and eJapan, former Deputy Minister of Information and former Commanding Officer in both the Royal Navy and Shock Troopers. There are also various other roles I have had throughout my time.

I am a highly active member of the eSA, in game, forums and now on the IRC. I take an interest in the optimum direction for the eSA to build. I believe that the success of the eSA will be determined by our population development and the further increase in our economy and our strengthening military. I would also like to see Gauteng once again under rule of the eSA; this could be done either by negotiations or by force. I see that our best position is to maintain our alliance in Sol, but to remain mostly neutral towards other countries.

I can tell you straight from experience that I cannot and I do not believe that anybody can and keep to promises made about what grand plans they have for the eSA, as in reality this does not happen. I am however able and happy to pledge that:

- I will support the party to the best of my ability.
- I will remain to be an active individual being an active part in the development of the eSA.
- I will personally help promote the eSA to the eWorld, as well as in with relations with the government, to increase our population.
- I will help new; inexperienced players find their feet in the eSA.
- I will support the best action I deem appropriate to obtain the region of Guateng.
- I will be loyal to the eSA.

Things I have already been a part of include the ever development of the Ministry of Social Affairs, bring education to the eSA, encouraging citizens to emigrate to the eSA and support those who have and are in the process of doing so. I am now looking to push this further, pursue a more active role in the party and mentored by the Minister of Defence to enable me the sufficient knowledge to progress further in government.

So please vote for me come election day. I am an experienced player who will only do what’s best for the intentions for the eSA. I have so much to offer to the country to help us prosper, but I can only achieve any of this if I am in a position that enables me to do so, one of these positions is in congress. I need your support!



"To the people of the eSA. This is an important time in the history of the eSA. I earge you to fight hard and trust your leaders. Follow all goveremnt orders as we must stand proud together to defeat the enemy. What ever happens over the next few days, I promise you that I will make every effort to keep out country moving forward. Do not forget these congress elections, this is more important than ever that we sensibly vote our congress. Soon the eSA will be re-united onec more. Long live eSouth Africa!"