Vote SamGibz for the Independent Alternative in Gauteng!

Day 945, 15:00 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

Hello citizen of the eSA,

It is that time of the month again where I ask if you would lend me your vote in order for me to represent you and the party in congress. This term I am running under the banner of the Independent Alternative in Gauteng. This terms Manifesto I am taking more seriously to write than those previously as I hope to increase my activity and present myself to be a key figure in politics.

I have sat in congress for a total running of 6 very eventful terms, one of which was part of the silver six. For those who do not know, 10 people were selected to run for congress that we active at that moment in eSA history to relinquish the eSA from PTO control. It was also decided to democratically elect 6 other individuals to sit in congress to aid to operation and ensure all views were represented fairly. I was fortunate to be one of the 6.

My other current roles are being Minister of Tourism for the 2nd term, ambassador to the eUK and I am also in the PG. I have had an abundance of former roles and I wish to highlight being the former Director of the eSAHC, the former Minister of Information and former Deputy Minister of Social Development. I also used to own 2 profitable companies and am currently in business partnership with majority shares in another.

So on to more important topics, what my vision is for the eSA.

Erepublik Rising

The new 'New World' is an exciting process that the eSA will need to adjust too. I have experience of Beta as I am one of those lucky enough to play it and am just getting to grips with all it has to offer. There are major changes to the eLife and there will be need for major changes in our eMilitary. Exactly how I think it would be foolish to try predict as the New World as a collective will decide.

I think it is essential that we as the eSA write more educational articles to keep new players interested, and to ensure the older players are aware of the changes in depth. Remember those experienced in V1 are novices in V2.

As congress in this term, we have the responsibility of readying our nation and ensuring our smooth transaction into V2. I firstly think that is important for their to be a mix of Beta knowledgeable congress members to share there knowledge and also members that are not knowledgeable to help ensure all the questions are answered, that those Beta friendly do not assume people now certain things and so forth. It is also important for us to prepare our economy ensuring we have plenty of reserves and prepare the defence of our borders by voting through strong MPP's delivered by Cabinet.

Population growth

I see to areas that can increase our population, tourism and a baby boom. I am of course biased to tourism, but it brings many benefits. This however is left to the Minister of Tourism (me). I would like to say however, I saw a article on the forum by Ari Lumumba, the Director of Trade, showing how Land Skilled Jobs wages are high. We can use this to attract visitors to work increases population, defence, GDP and lessoning competition for workers lowering wages allowing the companies to be more profitable.

A baby boom can come about in two ways. Firstly from in game, but I would like to see more out of game players coming to the eSA. There are already efforts in such areas, but I am looking to explore the web in South Africa and advertise on forums out of my comfort zone. I seek for congress to become more involved in this as without more people there won't be a country to run.

Military and Foreign Affairs

As I mention it will need to change for V2 in my opinion and MPP's with our allies need to be established. I will promote in congress the funding of Training Wars to help strengthen the citizens of the eSA to help defeat our enemies when they think they can claim the eSA to be theirs. New tactics must evolve to defect the opposition on the V2 battlefield, on the forum you can find I have thought of some. It is obvious to state that strong funding must continue to be directed to the eSAAF to maintain a strong fighting force.


It is essential to engage with you, the citizens of the eSA. The health service plays an important role to the wellness of the population, and I support LiquidIce's efforts. There needs to be change to the eSAHC in V2, change in which I am not sure of yet. I think that congress should make every effort to get involved with the MoSD and support our nation and its efforts.

It is also essential for us to actively go out and help new players. I think it is the Presidents and congress's role to both increase population and support the new born's. The president does this through cabinet, it is time that congress does their part. (Including me).


Short and sweet, I support all current efforts to prevent a PTO and think they should continue to occur into PTO'er get the message that we will never fall to such attacks again.

National Assembly

I support the Speaker and Moderators in a fine job they have done this term and hope they will be able to and will do so next term. In congress I seek further refinement of some of the bills, details I cannot discuss openly. I would however like for all citizens to become more vocal in our National Assembly. It is where voices are heard and where business is done from a congress and law point of view.

Thank you for reading one very long manifesto. If you made it all the way through then give yourself a pat on the back and go grab a beer! I am enthused by erepublik and enthralled by the eSA. I am determined that the eSA can become one of the major players in erepublik, but first we need to strengthen. eSA by far has the erep community I have known and I thank you guys and gals for being apart of it. I hope I have persuaded you to lend me you vote. If not, please vote for me anyway. If you have any further questions or want to question what I have wrote please do so by sending me a PM. I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Minister of Tourism (Term 2)
Former Director of the eSAHC
Former Minister of Information
Former Deputy Minister of Social Development
Congressman (Term 5 + 1 as Shadow)
Member of the PG
Ambassador to the eUK
Fomer Officer in the ST and RN
Owner of SG Opportunties