Vote Jhorlin for TUP Party President on June 15th

Day 936, 03:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jhorlin
Stand up and be Counted

Judging by the forum response, it seems that this will likely be a volatile article. However, it is in the interests of our democratic process that I stand, for you, as a candidate for The Unity Party President on June 15th. The primary reason that I stand, is so that we might stand together, on the issue of Parliamentary Accountability.

Strength in Unity
Now, more than ever, this is true. The outgoing Party President, Dan Moir, is trying to block my bid in every possible way. This lack of support from the party elite means that now more than ever, I need to rely on your support: the voting members. As a party, TUP believes in shunning the elite and voting for what is right: I hope that June 15th is no exception.

Pensive offers an impressive CV - a background of many different areas. However, I offer a wealth of experience myself, which directly counters Pensive in many regards. For example, Pensive was Minister of Rations for 4 days until I assumed his duties, due to his inactivity. Pensive also commonly cites that he was Minister of Defence, a post which I now hold.

More information about my eRepublik career is available on my Wiki page.

On the Other Hand
There has been a lot of criticism of myself due to my move from the United Kingdom Reform Party. I might add, one of the most successful TUP Party Presidents was an immigrant from the UKRP, and any such criticism is unfair.

In fact, I believe that the breadth of experience I offer from politics is invaluable to The Unity Party, as it gives me a unique insight into how the right-wing parties operate, that other candidates cannot offer.

Unity in the Commons
I feel that the position adopted by members of the party in abolishing the House of Lords is dangerous. In the past months, due to their satisfaction with having input in the House of Lords, the political right has been less inclined to push members through for congressional elections. I worry that abolishing the House of Lords will necessitate tougher competition for each seat, which can only serve to damage our party.

I might add that the House of Lords is an advisory body, and has no real power other than to delay votes. Currently, this means that we can pass what we want through the Parliamentary system, without having to worry too much. By abolishing the Lords, we risk our majority in the Commons.

Much like Pensive, I also believe that the target of 20 seats in the House of Commons next month is achievable. The key, as always in this fortress London age, is in mobile voting, which relies on you: the voting public.

The Unity Party - A Bastion of Legitimacy
Pensive, Iain Keers and Dan Moir all seem to seek to undermine what The Unity Party stands for. In the last few weeks, for those who have not been following the forums, a series of bills have been tossed back and forth, to try to abolish the House of Lords without the required supermajority. These bills try to undermine our legal system, and put our party into disrepute.

The House of Lords Amendment Acts, as they are passed, undermine the good standing otherwise attributed to The Unity Party.

Accordingly, I promise to make every effort to repeal these illegal acts, and instead propose a repeal of the House of Lords Act. I believe that if this is to be done, it's to be done on a fair vote.

Party Presidential Candidate for The Unity Party

Strength in Unity