Vote Igor Thunderbrow and the Irish Union Party for Congress

Day 339, 17:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Daoine na hEireann,

Tomorrow brings us our first ever independant congressional elections. I have already published an article detailing the vast myriad of reasons to support the Irish Union Party but owing to the independant nature of these elections, I feel that I should tell you why I feel that I am worthy of your vote tomorrow.

As congressman, I have made my opinions known on every issue. I have voted on every proposal and every bill before congress in this past term. My own proposal on the Minimum Wage helped bring an end to the Admin created mess that was the V1 launch day Wage structures. I was instrumental in my short tenure as Minister of Defense in ensuring that all IDF members were supported financially by the government and I have brought the concerns of the people before congress on many occasions.

First among these is, what I perceive to be, the democratic deficit in this country's governance. All decisions are either made solely by the president or by only the elite few in the congress. As a member of congress I will do my utmost to bring an end to the current lack of communication between congress and the people. This is most characterised in the failure of the government to provide information about their proposals outside of the forums where only a small minority are registered.

I was the only congressman in eIreland in this term to provide a discussion link for my proposal! This is frankly disgraceful and excludes the average eIrish citizen from our political system. Democracy is "government of the people, by the people, for the people" not for an elite few and this is an issue that I will focus on if you reelect me to congress to serve a second mandate.

Throughout my term I have spoken my mind and not shyed away from delivering my opinion. This has brought me to blows with a few other politicians. However, I will never shirk from my duty, if something looks wrong to me I will say it loud and clear.

Asides from a few minor tensions, my past term was all about cooperation. Our joint economic proposal with the Irish Republican Socialist Party is a good example of this and despite what the president would have you believe, I have supported any governmental proposals that I feel are best for the eIrish people such as the recent proposal regarding the provision of hospitals for eIreland.

So vote for Democracy and vote for what is best for eIreland.
Vote for Igor Thunderbrow and the Irish Union Party.

Go raibh mile maith agaibh.