Vote heivoll and TT for congress!

Day 367, 10:06 Published in Norway Norway by heivoll

In the upcoming election I'm running for congress to represent the region of Svalbard & Jan Mayen. As Svalbard is such a small region, and already has a q3 hospital I will not put very much emphasis on strengthening the local society, but even more on what can be done for the whole country.

Here are some key points of what I will work for if I'm elected into congress:
1. Strengthening of the eNorwegian defence. In these unstable times it is of greatest importance that we are able to defend ourselves.
2. Keep up good relations with other countries. It is of course very important that we have a good tone with the other member countries of ATLANTIS, and it is also important to keep a good dialogue with PEACE-countries and the occasional neutral country. This is both because of military and economical reasons.
3. Informing the people of what is going on in congress. For the administration of the country to be fair, it is important that be people stays informed about what is going on, without the need of registering and being active at external web sites.
4. Sticking to the Party Program for TT.

If you don't know who I am, here's some info about me:
- Have been an Erepublik citizen since january 1st, 2008.
- Member of TT since march 2008.
- Have been member of congress for 3 terms, representing TT.
- Former mayor of Longyearbyen.
- Generally a nice guy, I avoid conflict but I'm not afraid to express my opinions 🙂

If you want to know anything else, don't hesitate to ask.
