Vote for me Tennessee! (Donovanator)

Day 457, 18:21 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

Hi my name is Donovanator and I want YOU to be a better,stronger , Tennessean.Here's a little bit of my plan for congress (if/when elected.)

I am very principled when it comes down to the military for one thing I think the military should be of one of our two major expenses. I want to make sure that we can supply our troops with the best guns and moving tickets.

Hospital would be the second major expense. I would like to supply Tennessee with a newer better one,and embrace the idea of giving other states a newer,better hospital for this will help our militia (people who aren't really signed up for war) and make it easier for our troops to help fight.

Taxes: Vat, income, and import tax.
~ I plan to keep import tax above income tax AT ALL times and at ALL markets."The establishment of a protective tariff, a 20%-25% tax on imported goods, would protect a nation’s business from foreign competition. Congress passed a tariff (IN REAL LIFE) in 1816 which made European goods more expensive and encouraged consumers to buy relatively cheaper American-made goods."-Wiki
~ VAT I believe should be some where between 5% and 10%
~ Income tax should be around ten percent but no matter what I will make sure Americans will get the upper hand and not be taxed more than importers.
~ Here would by my tax plan:
(7% VAT.....7%income tax ......33%import tax) except on food which VAT is down to 1% and on iron and diamonds were import tax is lowered down to 15%.

Remember that I will always push for lower VAT and Income Tax as much as possible.

I believe that a congress member should show his perspectives and show what he has voted for EVERY Time just like my last congressman: Jewitt.

OK in the eUS forums I will post in what is going on in congress's new tax changes, construction buying, or just something that has to do with decision making.
I will publicize my thoughts on what is occurring and the action of which is taking place. And I have a fairly popular newspaper so you don't have to worry about catching it immediately before it dies (meaning it not making it to the top 20 after it is booted off "The latest News")

World Politics
I want to make sure that we are close to our friends, and can distinguish them from our enemies. If an ally is ever to attack another ally- I will choose to support the defender, until they are conquered or a peaceful treaty/compromise occurs.
I want to also make sure that we have mpp's with our allies,so that way they don't have to have send troops to help us fight and we don't have to spend extra money to help them ( for it may occur more than once)

Do I have what it takes to be congressman?
~ Been in erepublik for a long time
~ Business owner
~ CVP Council Member
~ been in the eUS Army since day 1
~ Former Ambassador to Singapore
~ Former CVP "Head of Recruitment" and while I was "Head o' Recruitmean" we went from 300 to 374.
~A Citizen of the New World in a decent financial position. How is this experience? I'm don't have a lot of excess money, so a bad turn in the economy will make me end up in a bad position and something good will make me upper-Middle Class so I will be able to judge how we are doing.

My Background
I am running under the Conservative Ticket and I used to be in the America First Party and I sincerely always did, have am and always will put America first.I was the Ambassadorof Singapore. I am considered the "Common Sense Candidate" I own a organization which is buying and selling companies for profits. I own "The Word" which has over 280+ Subscribers.

Oh and here is a link of things that our goverrnment does that I want to change:

This message has been approved by Donovanator and our current congressman: Jewitt.