Vote Deus Ex for Mayor of Mmabatho!

Day 273, 14:39 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

It's true, friends, under the Black Lion Front Deus Ex is running for mayor of the glorious city of Mmabatho! CHANGE is the fundamental ingredient that all of South Africa needs right now and I believe I am the man to do it. A vote for Deus Ex and for the BLF is a vote for the Change that all of South Africa needs. Let Mmabatho be the epicenter, that bright shining city atop a hill, that the rest of SA and indeed the world look to.

For an overview of my qualifications and mission:

I've been with you, my South African brothers, from the very beginning. From the war with the Japanese, to the potato fields and sh*t mills of occupied South Africa, to the bamboo cages, and back again to my home city of Mmabatho. Fighting every second to bring freedom to my enslaved Comrades, like Jizzie McGuire, who were around me. Gone but not forgotten!

Upon my return my commitment to a free, independent, and prosperous SA were stronger than ever in the wake of economic devastation. I scraped enough gold together and bought Kaja K Foods from the Hungarians as they gave up their efforts to rape our country's economy. Once an instrument of pure greed and exploitation, I've transformed Kaja K into Bong Belly, a multi-owner cooperative employing many South Africans at good wages and producing incredibly affordable Q2 food for everyone and at literally no profit to myself or the other administrators.

People Before Profit is my personal motto and should be the call to arms for ALL South Africans committed to making our country a better place.

And so, my friends, it is this history of leadership, vision, and undying commitment to South Africa that I bring to you as mayor and as a member of the BLF. Let Mmabatho be the catalyst, the starting point, the Alpha, of all the change that South Africa must undergo. The nation and the world are watching us. As the phoenix does, we shall rise from the ashes of war and poverty and amaze them all in our splendor.


Thank You.

-Deus Ex