Vote Canadian, Vote Alfagrem

Day 1,445, 15:34 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

My name is Kazuo Leblanc and I formerly served as Prime Minister of Canada (DAL-B.C.) in May 2011. It is in this capacity that I encourage all my fellow Britons to vote for Alfagrem on November 5th.

As a former CP, I can tell if someone has what it takes to be CP, and I can tell you that Alfagrem has it. Alfagrem has connections all across Canada stemming from the time this summer when Canada hired him to fight Canadian battles. Alfagrem is personable, judging from the inordinate amount of time he spends in #eCan - certainly more than I did during my term in office. Finally, based on all the conversations he and I had on IRC during my time in office, his is the mind I would most like to see leading the United Kingdom.

It is my firm belief that Alfagrem will have as successful a term in office as I did, and Alfagrem's invasion of Canada will be as successful as my invasion was during my term. Don't believe me? I invite you to contact any Canadian and ask them how my term was, and know firsthand what an Alfagrem government would look like.

Please join me in supporting Alfagrem. Guys like me think he should lead the UK - shouldn't you?