Vojne jedinice eSrbije / Army units of eSerbia [SRB/ENG]

Day 692, 12:02 Published in Serbia Serbia by Pe Ka


Elita je jedinica VeS-a koja je nastala pre vise meseci. Kao sto i samo ime govori u pitanju je jedinica koja je sastavljena od najiskusnijih vojnika eSrbije. Mi smo mobilna jedinica VeS-a sto znaci da ucestvujemo u svim vaznim bitkama sirom sveta i tako, zbog nase pouzdanosti sticemo postovanje saveznika, a i protivnika. Dosta smo napredovali od naseg nastanka u svakom pogledu. Kako po snazi i damage-u tako i po organizovanosti. Ekipa koja se trenutno nalazi u sastavu Elite je tu vec 3 meseca i zbog toga funkcionisemo kao jedan odlicno uigran tim. Za oko mesec dana bicemo sastavljeni iskljucivo od Field Marshala i donosicemo veliku prednost eSrbiji u svakoj borbi.

Hvala za text : Djox


Sveti Vukovi ili samo Vukovi su oformljeni iz prve regularne brigade, sastavljene od nasih najjacih, mada ne i (tada) najaktivnijih igraca. Tada je Desert Hamster bio komandant. Postepeno smo izbacivali manje aktivne, dovodili aktivnije igrace, ulagali svoje pare u unapredjenje firmi.Tokom leta trazimo nove jake ljude za brigadu. Nas trud nije ostao nezapazen, i posle izvesnog vremena dobijamo novi status mobilnih jedinica, i zajedno
sa elitom delujemo u najbitnijim bitkama. Kada je Desert Hamster unapredjen u generala VeSa, na njegovu poziciju komandanta dolazi MlataZamlata. Njega nije dugo drzalo mesto, tako da je prestao da igra. Nakon Mlate na poziciju je stavljen Shumor, koji je i trenutno komandant Vukova. Vukovi su vrlo poznati po svojim specijalnim akcijama koje se redovno odvijaju, i mali broj njih se prepricava u novinama pripadnika nase jedinice. Cilj ove igre je
zabava, i tako je nas glavni cilj u jedinici da se dobro zabavimo, sto na chatu to i pisanjem raznih clanaka smesnog sastava. Ali kada je u pitanju borba, Vukovi su jedna od najozbiljnijih i najelitnijih jedinica eSrbije, uvek spremni da udare neprijatelja tamo gde najvise boli!

Hvala za text : ONZS


Kobre nastaju od II brigade VeS-a koju je vodio Lunatic2903, za cije vreme jedinica dobija naziv Kobre, njega su jedno vreme menjali Crazy Eyes I Stoilkovic nakon cega brigada dobija novog komadanta JohnMcClane. Brigada je se sastojala iz 4 bataljona kao I sve ostale brigade VeS-a u to vreme. Nismo bili najjaca brigada u to vreme ali smo se svi trudili da to postanemo, vremenom su u Kobre dolazili novi igraci koji su sada deo nase porodice. Od skoro Kobre imaju novog komadatna Go-Run koji je pre toga bio desetar i zamenik u kobrama. Kobre danas imaju 5 bataljona i nekoliko svojih firmi u kojima svi aktivno rade, svoj chat #kobre na koji su svi dobrodosli i najveci broj generala u VeS. U zadnjih mesec dana Kobre su uspele da se izbore da svojim vojnicima poboljšaju uslove rada i samim tim ubrzaju napredak svih koji su u jedinici ovu borbu nastavljamo da vodimo sa glavešinama VeS-a i u danima koji dolaze 😃 . Kobre su jedna velika porodica ciji je cilj da se dobro zabavi igrajuci ovu igru ali kada je potrebno znamo svi da ujedamo , a ujed neprijatelj nece nikada zaboraviti, jer za nas otrov nema leka 😃

Hvala za clanak : Go-Run i JohnMcClane


Jedinica postoji duže od 4 meseca. Kao i sama zemlja prošli smo sito i rešeto i stasali u jaku jedinicu koja služi Srbiji i pomaže saveznicima. Svoj internacionalni karakter pokazala je u TO/ATO akcijama. Pomagali smo Italiji da se oslobodi Hrvata, zapostavljenim Srbima u BiH, Kolumbiji, Indoneziji(od njih smo dobili pohvalu u clanku zajedno sa Panterima koji je bio top5 u Srbiji).Ratovali smo u bitkama za Slavoniju u stilu kamikaza(Preko 10 bitki za jedan dan🙂. Pomagali saveznicima u zadnjem svetskom ratu organizovano i sinhronizovano!Cine je ljudi koji se medusobno razumeju i pomažu jedni drugima. Cine je sposobni ljudi spremni na nove izazove, ljudi koji cine, da smo kao njeni pripadnici, ponosni na nju!Na celu jedinice nalazi se iskusni komandant Sapiencei njegovi zamenici mali princ i Armon. Desetar je MilancHO, uvek spreman na š¡alu. Desetari

logisticke podrške su marljivi omiljeni i Dzoni_filozof.
To smo mi! Jedinica TIGROVI, deo VeS! Služili smo, služimo, i služicemo SRBIJI!

Hvala za text : pravnik4 i tiha.


Jedinica je osnovana pre 4 meseca i u svom sastavu ima 5 brigada. Od osnivanja brigade njen komandant je MikNs dok je njegov glavni zamenik Shunta sa kojim MikNs sjajno saradjuje. Ostali zamenici su : Ivan Sretenovic, borissajkas i HajdukVeljko. Redovno ucestvuju u organizovanim akcijama sa celim VeSom. Samostalno su organizovali mini TO Malezije u kojem su od 9 ucesnika 5 uslo u kongres. Sledeci mesec u kongres ce pokusati da udju preostala cetvorica. Uskoro ce unutar jedinice zapoceti skupljanje para za pomoc onima koji su blizu narednog cina.

Hvala za text : borissajkas


Regularna brigada VeS Panteri je osnovana pre 3 meseca,pod komandom je ivan 80 i zamenika igraca zdusan,Dex77.Jedinica je ucestvovala u svim bitkama za Slavoniju,ATO akcijama u Italiji i Indoneziji za koju je bila pohvaljena uz Tigrove od MOD Indonezije.Najveci kvalitet Pantera su ljudi,njihova posvecenost i privrzenost jedinici u prilog tome govori i da je jedan vojnik donirao sajt za potrebe jedinice i celog VeS-a.

Hvala za text : ivan80


Do nedavno smo imali jednu jedinicu, sastavljenu od vojnika sa construction skillom. radili su u izgradnji q5 bolnica i nesto malo vremena u izgradnji q5

DS u grohotov kompaniji. Volimo da se nazivamo zidarima i heavy demolition squad, posto smo zestoki momci, zidari 😃
Nema nas mnogo kao u drugim brigadama, ali se zato svi dobro poznajemo i dobra je atmosfera. Momci su redovni i aktivni. Od skoro smo dobili jos jednu brigadu vojnika sa manu skillom i oni prave MT u drzavnoj firmi.
Nas video :

Hvala za text : goddamndm


Rad u regrutnoj armiji je osmisjen kroz nekoliko brigada koje su tako podeljene da sadrze regrute koji su slicnog strengtha. Gradacijski, Gardisti su pripadnici regrutne vojske sa jacim strengthom, uslov za prelazak u gardiste je 7.5.Ova brigada je sacinjena od desetara,komandanata i pojedinica koji su izrazili zelju da ostanu u regrutnoj vojsci, kao i od novih regruta sa strengthom iznad 7.5. Brigada " Gardisti" broji 60 ljudi, podeljenih u 5 manjih brigada.Gardisti su po potrebi i mobilna jedinica,koja ce u direktnoj vezi sa regularnom vojskom da izvrsava odredjena naredjenja.Brigade "Orlici I" i "Orlici II" su regruti sa strengthom iznad 6. Trenutno je u ove dve brigade po 7 bataljona, sa po 10 regruta.Svako od pripadnika Orlica,ko zadovolji uslov,da je strength veci od 7.5,moze se obratiti svom komandantu brigade za prelazak u "Gardiste"! Brigade "Petlici I", "Petlici II" i "Petlici III" ukupno boje 270 regruta, rasporedjenih u bataljone, po 10 u "Petlici I", "Petlici II" i 7 u "Petlici III". Uslov za prijem u petlice je strength 4.8, s tim sto se u zavisnosti od visine strengtha regrut rasporedjuje u jednu od 3 brigade petlica.Isto tako,ko je zadovoljio uslov da predje u orlice,min strengh 6,moze se obratiti svom komandantu. Novoformirana brigada "Petlici IV" jeste skup regruta koji su dostigli lvl 5 i izrazili zelju da pristupe VeS-,ali im to nije bilo ranije omoguceno,zbog nedovoljno visokog strengtha.Trenutno je oko 70 regruta u ovoj brigadi.Ovde je prelazak u brigade I,II i III moguc tek na kraju regrutnog roka.Cilj je da iz ove grupe izdovijimo najjaktivnije i na kraju roka prosledimo u neke od brigada Petlici I,II,III.

Hvala na textu : Dzon_lennon


WE je prva srpska jedinica nastala posle uvodjenja eSrbije u igru. Nastala je 506-og dana eRepublika. WE se bori na strani eSrbije i saveza PEACE GC. Osnivaci jedinice su Sakal_ks i Ljudislav. Jedinica je na svojim pocetcima obitavala u oblasti Podolia i tamo i dan danas ima svoju IRON kompanije Q4. Otuda i zabluda, koju neki ljudi zloupotrebljavaju i sire negativnu propagandu protiv WE. Elem, u to vreme plate su bile toliko male, da ni jedan vojnik sebi nije lako mogao da priusti selidbu, tako da su se clanovi jedinice koji su bili u Podolii borili i na strani Rumunije, kada je Podolia bila njihova regija. Da napomenem da je Podolia menjala nekoliko vlasnika(Ukrajinu,Rumuniju, Madjarsku i nisam siguran, ali mislim i Indoneziju). U to vreme WE je bio mala jedinica, pod komandom VeS-a. Posle TO Hrvatske, vodja Sakal_ks odlazi na zasluzeni odmor, zbog RL obaveza i jedinicu na upravljanje ostavlja Milojici i RaleX037. Po preuzimanju jedinice, ova dvojica se dogovaraju oko osnovne strategije vodjenja jedinice i pocinju prvu regrutaciju, koja nailazi na neverovatan odziv. Jedinica polako raste i uspostavljaju se pre svega drugarski odnosi izmedju svih clanova jedinice. Sa 30-ak clanova, jedinica raste na 70, na sledecoj regrutaciji na 90, a danas broji blizu 150 clanova. Za dva meseca snaga jedinice uvecana i danas je 17x veca nego na pocetku rada ove ekipe. Posle odbijanja vlade eSrbije da WE-ima dodeli "zasluzeni" budzet, koji bi omogucio dalji razvoj jedinice i doveo do toga da eSrbija danas ima dve jedinice poput VeS-a ili da recimo VeS bude 2x jaci WE, konacno prestaje da bude deo VeS-a. U razloge odbijanja ne zelim da ulazim!!!

Sta je eSrbija izgubila ovim:
1. Kao sto sam vec rekao do danas bi WE duplirao snagu VeS-a
2. Imali bismo jos jednu mobilnu jedinicu, sastavljenu od najjacih igraca WE,zasta je postojao i konkretan plan.
3. Stvoren je "front" izmedju pojedinih clanova WE i pripadnika VeS-a, pa tako danas nije retka slika da po novinama ili u komentarima vidite ne tako ijatne svadje izmedju pripadnika VeS-a i WE, sto iskreno receno ni na sta ne lici... Danas postoji jedna velika zabluda u vezi svega toga, koju bih ovom prilikom zeleo da razjasnim. Mnogi misle da je WE deo VeS-a. Razlog tome je sto je VeS univerzalno ime i svaki od pripadnika WE sebe smatra vojnikom
eSrbije, skraceno VeS. Medjutim, mi vec skoro mesec i po dana nismo pod komandom VeS-a iz gore spomenutih razloga.

Ono na cemu se stara svaka komanda nase jedinice, a bira se jednom mesecno, da bi se svima koji se isticu svojim radom i zalaganjem za jedinicu pruzila sansa, je sledece:
Da u clanovi jedinice pridrzavaju kodex-a ponasanja,
da se pre svega pomazu slabiji igraci,
da se novac koji sami sakupljamo i dobijamo od prijatelja jedinice trosi na najosnovnije i namenski,
da se ne angazuje politicki i ne utice na clanove za koga ce glasati, mada
postoji opcija odustva gde igrac moze biti kongresmen ili predsednik, a kada zavrsi sa obavezama u politici vrati se u jedinicu...
O svim bitnijim pitanjima vezanim za jedinicu, odlucuje savet WE, sastavljen
od najaktivnijih clanova jedinice.

Forum jedinice je mesto gde se druzimo, dogovaramo, odlucujemo,
salimo... Jedna od specificnosti foruma je da ima svoji API skriptu po kojoj
u svakom trenutku znamo pravu snagu jedinice.
Imamo i svoj irc kanal, koji je na mibbitu, soba #we.
I za kraj nekoliko WE klipova:

White Eagles, Elite Serbian Army

White Eagles strike!

ovaj napad je sa pocetka avgusta.

RaleX037 ex-leader WE!!!


Srpska Legija je jedinica formirana nakon izlaska Srbin92 iz regularne srpske vojske, VeS-a. Formirana je sa ciljem da se na teritoriji eSrbije stvori jos jedna ozbiljna i dobro organizovana jedinica, ne velika ali efikasna. U jedinici ljudi imaju slobodnu volju da se bave politikom, i drugim aktivnostima pored vojske, ali naravno, sve dok to ne remeti rad u jedinici. Ako dodje do problema, vojnik mora jasno odluciti, politika ili vojska.
Ovo je samofinansirajuca jedinica, Legionari od kazna koje odsluzuju ako ne izvrse naredjenje, kupuju opremu potrebnu za rat, tako da jedinica ni od koga ne zavisi.
Vojnici Srpske Legije su se dobro pokazali u borbi protiv Hrvatske, u Slavoniji, medjutim iako je bitka izgubljena, rat nije! Srpski Legionari su uvek tu prvo za Srbiju, zatim za PEACE, i uvek ce biti u blizini kada je nasoj zemlji najpotrebnija pomoc!

Hvala za text : Srbin92



Elite unit is unit of VeS which was formed several months ago. As the name suggests it's a unit that is composed of the most experienced soldiers of eSerbia. We are mobile unitof VeS and it means that we participate in all important battles around the world and thus, because of our confidence we get respect for allies, and opponents. We have made progress from our creation in every aspect. As the force and damage and in the organization. The team that is currently part of the Elite is already 3 months in Elite and therefore functioning as one great well-coordinated team. For about a month we will be made up of Field Marshals and we will bring great advantage to eSerbia in every fight.

Thanks for the text : Djox


Saint Wolves or just Wolves became from First regular brigade, made of most powerful, but at that time, not most active people. Desert Hamster was commandant. Slowly we dumped less active and accept more active soldiers, we invested our money in upgrading companies. During the summer we were searching new strong people for our brigade. Our effort made good results, after some time we got status of a mobile brigade and together with Elite we fight in the most important battles. When Desert Hamster got promoted to the General of VeS ( Serbian Army ), MlataZamlata came to his position. Short time after that he stopped playing eRepublik. After Mlata to the position of commandant comes Shumor who is the commandant at the moment. Wolves are very well known fot their special actions which happen often and they write some articles for only small number of them. Point of this game is fun, so our main point in brigade is having fun, on chat and writting funny articles. But when comes time for fight - Wolves are one of the strongest brigades in
eSerbia, always prepared to hit !

Thanks for the text : ONZS


Cobras became for Brigade II and are led by Lunatic2903. For some time Crazy Eyes and Stoilkovic were changing him after which the brigade gets new commander - JohnMcClane. For the time when JohnMcClane commands, the brigade changed its name to the Cobras. The brigade is consisted of 4 battalions as well as any other brigade in the VeS. We were not the strongest brigade in that time but we all tried to become, over time to the Cobras came in new players who are now part of our family. Recently Cobras have new commandant - Go-Run who was before the corporal and deputy of cobras. Cobras now have 5 battalion and several of its companies in which all active work, our chat that are all welcome and the largest number of generals in the VeS. In the last month Cobras managed to cope with their soldiers to improve working conditions and thereby accelerate the progress of all who are in this unit continue to lead the fight with the heads of VeS and in coming days 😃. Cobras are one big family that is intended to be fun playing this game but when you need to know all the bite and sting the enemy will never forget, because for us there is no cure poison 😃

Thanks for the text : Go-Run and JohnMcClane


The unit is old more than 4 month. Like the country itself, so did we pass a sieve sieve and bocame a strong unit that serves to Serbia and help allies. Its international character is shown in TO / ATO actions. We helped to liberate Italy, Croats, Serbs in BiH, Colombia, Indonesia (one of them we have received praise in the article along with the Panthers, who was top5 in Serbia).We fought in the battles of Slavonia in the style of Kamikaze (Over 10 battles in one day). Helping the Allies in the last World War organized and synchronized.
Made from the people who understand each other and help each other. Made it capable people ready for new challenges, people who makeus proud that we are Tigers.
The entire unit is lead by experienced Sapiencei his deputy commander mali prince and Armon. Corporal MilancHO is always ready for joking. Corporal logistical support are omiljeni and Dzoni_filozof.
That is us! TIGERS Unit, part of Ves! Served, we serve, and will serve SERBIA!

Thanks for the text : pravnik4 and tiha


The unit was established 4 months and consisted of 5 Brigade. Since the founding of this brigade, its commander was MikNs while his chief deputy Shunta with who MikNs cooperates great. Other deputies were: Ivan Sretenovic, borissajkas and HajdukVeljko. Regularly participate in organized activities with the whole VeS. Self-organized mini-TO of Malaysia, where 5 of 9 participants entered Congress. Next month in Congress will try to enter the remaining four. Within the unit will soon start collecting money to help those who are close to the next rank.

Thanks for the text : borissajkas


Regular Brigade of VeS - Panters was established 3 months ago, under the command of Ivan 80 and deputy zdusan, Dex77.Brigade participated in all battles of Slavonia, the ATO actions in Italy and Indonesia for which Tigers and Panters got praised by eIndonesian MOD.The biggest quality of Panters are people, their dedication and commitment to the unit in favor of this speaks to one soldier, donated the site for the entire unit and of VeS.

Thanks for the text : ivan 80


Until recently we had a single unit, composed of soldiers from the construction skill who worked in the construction of hospitals Q5 and little time we helped to build Q5 DS in Grohotov company. We like to call ourselves the masons and heavy demolition squad, because we are intense guys, builders 😃
There is no as many people as in other brigades, but we know each other very good and the atmosphere is grat !Guys are regular and active. Since we got another brigade of troops with manna skill they make MT in state firms.


Recruit Army is made of several brigades that are so divided that contain recruits who have similar strength. Gardisti - 7.5 strenght. This unit is formed of people who want to staj in Recruit army and from new recruits with strenght 7.5 and above. Gardisti has 60 members.

Units "Orlici I and II Orlici" are the recruits with strength above the 6 Currently, the two brigades by 7 battalions, with 10 members.Every memver of Orlici can move to Gardisti when he has 7.5 str.

Units "Petlici I", "Petlici II and III " has over 270 members. There minimum str is 4.8. When they have 6 str they can move to Orlici.

Newly formed Brigade "Petlici IV" is made for recruits who just made up to the 5 lvl. There is about 70 members.


WE is the first Serbian units formed after the introduction of eSrerbia in the game. It was made on the 506 th day of eRepublik. WE are fighting on the side of eSerbia and alliances PEACE GC. The founders of the units are Sakal_ks and Ljudislav. The unit on its begining lived in Podolia and there today they still have their its IRON Q4. Hence the mistake, which some people abuse and spread negative propaganda against WE. At the time wages were so small, that no soldier himself could not easily afford to move, so that the members of the unit who were in Podolia fought on the side of Romania, when it was their region. To note that Podolia had several owners (Ukraine, Romania, Hungary and I'm not sure, but I think and Indonesia). At that time, WE was a small unit under the command of a VeS. After the TO of Croatia, the leader Sakal_ks goes on a deserved holiday, due to RL commitments and drive to manage and leaves Milojica and RaleX037. By taking the unit, the two agree about the basic strategy of managing the unit and begin the first recruitment, which encounters an incredible response. The unit is slowly growing and established primarily friendly relations between all members of the unit. With 30 members, the unit rises to 70, following the recruitment of 90, and today has nearly 150 members. For two months, power units increased, and today is 17x greater than at the beginning of this team. After the refusal of the government to award WE "deserved" budget, which would enable further development units and led to eSerbia now has two units, such as VeS or to say VeS is 2x stronger, WE, finally cease to be a part of the VeS. The reasons for refusal do not want to go!

What did eSerbia lost:
1. As I said today would WE double power of VeS
2. We would have another mobile unit, composed of the strongest players of WE, why is there and a concrete plan.
3. Created a "front" between individual membersof Ves and members of WE, so today is not that rare image by comments in the newspaper or see the not so pleasant disputes between members of VeS and WE. Today, there is one big misconception about all this, I would like to clarify on thing now. Many think that the WE is part of the VeS. This is because the name is already universal and each member of WE eSerbia considers himself a soldier, part of Serbian military. However, almost a month and a half we are not under the command of VeS from the above-mentioned reasons.

White Eagles takes care of what each command of our unit, and shall be elected once a month, to all who stand by their work and efforts for the unit offered the chance, the following:
To comply kodex members of the unit's behavior,
primarily to help the weaker players,
that the money that you collect from friends and get the unit spent on basic and special-purpose, not to engage politically and does not affect members who will vote, although
leave the option where the player can be a congressman or a president, and when they complete the obligations in the policy back to the unit ...
On all important issues for the unit, the Council of WE makes decision, consisting
the most active members of the unit.

White Eagles, Elite Serbian Army

White Eagles strike!

RaleX037 ex-leader of WE!


Serbian Legion is a unit formed after Srbin92 leaving the regular Serbian army, and VeS. It was formed with the aim of the territory eSerbia create another serious and well-organized units, not big, but effective. The unit of people have free will to engage in politics, and other activities in addition to the military, but of course, until it does not disturb the work of the unit. If a problem occurs, a soldier must clearly determine, politics or the military.
This is self-financing unit, the sentence that Legionars take if you do not carry out orders, purchase equipment necessary for the war, so neither of which units does not depend on.
Legion of Serbian soldiers were well demonstrated in the fight against Croatia, in Slavonia, however, although the battle is lost, the war is not!
Serbian Legionars are always the first for Serbia, and for peace, and always will be there when our country is most needed help!

Thanks for the text : Srbin92