voice your VOICE into the congress

Day 1,064, 09:58 Published in New Zealand Saudi Arabia by voice

Hello dear citizens of eNew Zealan😛

(if you are in hurry, pass the intro)

I am presenting this coming congressional election for a seat representing Canterbury. voice is an old player of eRepublik who passed a tumultuous career. I was bornb eIranian, and there i fought for the rights of the young and marginalized people, and established a progressive party called S.A.F.I.R, whioch regrouped young promising players, and after a month, i voluntarly quitted the presidency to a promising young who continued on improving the party. i also made a trip around the world, where i lived and worked in almost all the most important countries. I conducted different researches on the game, especially in economy. I managed several companies, for me, and in partnership with other players. During this period, i established the Temporary Arab government in Exile (TAGE), an organization to pursue the arabic dream of having a country. At that time we made a government, and was acknowledged by many countries as the legitimate representative of Arabs, in that government i let the presidency and did not candidate myself, but took the ministry of economy and finance, and being the honorary leader of the Arabic movement, or as some like to call me "the mother of the eArabs".. our activity came to halt due to lack of recruits and desperation, and then i retired from the game, only to come when V2 came with new economy formulas and new economic challenges

When i returned, i choose eFrance, where i participated actively (i can speak French, but not persian). helped reviving the ULP (Union of Free thinkers). i also re-opened some of my enterprises, sold some and bought one, and made a good profit of the V2 formulas 🙂. i held also the function of eAmbassador to Turkey.

When New Zealand came to this world, i immigrated here immediately, seeing a resemblance to our dream of an arabic country, it is new and it needs faithful people against PTO, it needs experienced players especially for its economy! even more, here we speak English, a language i am at more ease with than with French.

Now for the interesting part:

My Programs and ideas

Internal Politics:

= Support the Unity represented now by the provisional government and its leader Mr. Robinson
= Support the internal healthy discussion and tolerance to disagreement
= my Motto (una in diversitate) = unity in diversity
= Help the ATO. and Tolerance zero to TO attempts
= Help to build the country's' institutions and orgas.
= Lobbying for a pledge of allegiance to NZ for all eCitizens
= I will not give nationalities unless to trusted people, people i fully trust and know or ones OKed by the government services
= Help define the In FORUM role of congress

External politics
= support the current policy of neutrality

= help with what it is necessary to give our soldiers a better training

= Promote evidence based economic policy
= Protect our national Food industry with as minimum Tax as it takes to keep a balance between the interest of people, government and businessmen.
= Lobby for the installation of an office of economic Data and statistics that with scientific methods of sampling and randomization and with surveys and statistics to give a working useful picture of our economy, to help economic planners take decision
= Issuing NZD to control the too high NZD, and to keep it stable

= promote in community fun and good humor, competitions, Flash games..etc

feel free to comment and to subscribe

UPDATE1: i won the tenth place in the preliminary at Canterbury. Thanks for all voters. be sure to be here in election day, and vote the official candidates