Voice of Japan: War

Day 713, 04:46 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe


People and soldiers of the Great Japanese Empire, no doubt you have heard the news already, of hostilities breaking out all over the world. In Scandinavia, in the Indian Subcontinent and across the Bering Strait. These wars involve Japanese PEACE allies. Some have therefore questioned whether or not the Japanese Imperial Army and other resources will be moving to support our allies.

The answer is an unfortunate no. While we are committed to the PEACE alliance, our Russian allies have once again invaded North America and Finland, our British allies have attacked Sweden, and the Slovenians have moved into Croatia alongside Hungary. The PEACE Global Community is a defensive alliance, and Japan remains committed to that idea.

As such, we will not be committing to our allies' invasions. Rest assured, however, that should our friends find themselves threatened, the Imperial Army will be there to stand against aggression, with the rest of the Global Community.

PEACE at home, PEACE in the world!

我国は平和だ , 世界は平和だ!

~真理大臣, 御剣令治, 日本の声
~The Minister of Internal Affairs, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK