Visit Bratislava? - Yes!

Day 1,650, 12:18 Published in Slovakia Montenegro by montenegro90

Dear readers,

As most of you probably now, I've made a lot of articles about some countries (especially my native). I also saw similar ones which shows how one country could be beautiful and interesting.

I'll try to show what I would visit in Bratislava. Those photos are, of course, googled, so I will try to show Bratislava in perspective of someone who has not been there yet and from someone who is willing to find out the real spirit of this city. 🙂

Orange Arena

The bridge across the Danube

President Palace

Toontown Hostel

Slovak Radio Building

Manhole cover

Hotel Radisson SAS Carlton

The Bratislava Castle

I hope that this article will motivate Slovaks to make some articles about this beautful country. I hope you all enjoyed this little trip!🙂

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Visit Bratislava? - YES!