VIII: A New Dawn... in New Hampshire

Day 1,553, 13:10 Published in USA USA by Alexander Roderick IV

Day 1,553
A New Dawn... in New Hampshire
February 20, 2012
Eagle Republik News

A New Dawn... in New Hampshire
Alexander Roderick IV, will be running for Congress in New Hampshire. I am writing about Alexander Roderick IV in the third person cuz he is that awesome.

Why you should vote for AlexanderRoderick IV?
Alexander is awesome as already stated.
Alexander is active, open, and ALWAYS on irc.
Alexander is awesome.
Alexander is a Captain of EZC as well as the current ambassador to Switzerland.
Alexander is the future.
Alexander is the best candidate for Congress in New Hampshire.
Alexander is proud and horny... ALL the time.
Alexander is the face of New Hampshire.
Alexander is and will always be your friend 🙂.
Alexander is a face you should get used to.
Alexander is and will always be FOR lowering taxes.
Alexander is and will always be FOR increasing newer player involvement in eUSA politics and other parts of the "meta" game.
Alexander is a firm supporter of TEDEN.
Alexander is and will always be FOR defending eUS from potential PTO threats.
Alexander is and will always be FOR preserving eUS beliefs and morals.
Alexander is and will always support the thoughts of the people of New Hampshire and will voice his opinions thougtfully and clearly in Congressional meetings.
Alexander is awesome.
Alexander is the next Congress man in New Hampshire.
Alexander is approved by Chuck Norris.

Get ready New Hampshire a new dawn is coming! Vote for Alexander Roderick IV in New Hampshire on Feb 25.


Girl of The Day

Join Eagle Republik next time for something special!

Till next time... Stay Awesome eAmerica!

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