Vigil over South Africa

Day 489, 19:21 Published in USA South Africa by Epic Thoughts

South Africa stands on a brink. Citizens of Brazil have openly claimed to be currently attempting a political take over, with designs of forcing South Africa to declare war on Brazil, and thus triggering Brazil's PEACE aligned Mutual Protection Pacts with the likes of Indonesia and the various other mutts from the pack the rest of the civilized world despises, for the sole purpose of being able to conquer South Africa, claim their rich, high diamond producing regions, and to fatten their own soldiers.

I find it ironic, that just a week after PEACE and its mongrel pack forced America out of Mexico, screaming in broken English about how we were tyrants and that we were evil and that we were mean to the world and that they didn't like us, here we stand with their open proclamation that they intend to not only blatantly attempt a political take over, but they are so frightened of the military capabilities of South Africa (currently populated with almost one thousand citizens), that they intend to make the country declare war on them, so that the can bring the ham fisted Indonesia into the conflict, and assure themselves a victory.

There's only one possible solution to this problem.

PEACE must die. And we must be ready, after it's inevitable fall, to squash and render any attempt among these various states to reorganize themselves invalid and impotent.

Rally behind South Africa.

Death to PEACE. In their homes and around the world.