Vanity, thy name is Nutter

Day 1,570, 14:35 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

Earlier this afternoon, Mark Morcom published an article in direct retaliation for a discussion that was posted on the Dignity Brigade's private forums.

In said discussion, comments were made about Mark's religion, Christianity. The comments were direct and blunt, questioning how Christian scripture is seen by many to be contradictory. Other points were brought up as well, including many people who have died in the name of Christianity, and some of the older laws and demands made on the practicing population by their faith (ie; punishment for working on the Sabbath, homosexuality, forbidding of eating shellfish).

These points were all made in the very first post. And then, as is typical of discussions on the forum, the thread went wildly off topic.

No further posts about Morcom were made.

Until an unknown user posted about the lack of respect shown to Morcom.

I'm going to be one hundred percent honest with you folks. I'm Catholic.

Oh yeah, I said it! In a day when the Mother Church is torn by scandal and stagnation, I dare to say I'm Catholic!

I am also a very lapsed, non involved member of my church. There are a lot of things discussed over on the DB forums. A lot. And some of them I don't agree with. But I'm not the sort to run out and get angry about everyone who has an opinion different than mine. I'm not about to get angry about someone not liking me. And I'm also not about to use opinions about my faith, despite if they're based in fiction or reality (sorry, Jizzie. People weren't killed for working on Sunday. They were killed for working on Saturday, the original Sabbath) as motivation to make a whole lot of noise about something with absolutely no relevance.

I won't sit here and rehash the arguments against the DB or against Morcom's article. Everyone's already beat me to that.

I will say that this whole thing, this article included, is a whole lot of noise about a whole lot of nothing.

Consider yourselves trolled.


Epic Thoughts