Vacation, anyone?

Day 924, 20:34 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Vacation, anyone?

That's where I am headed. After playing this game for probably too long and too much into it, RL has an event that is more important than eRep. I'll be away June 13-19 in Florida, learning how to fly planes, learning Physics, and being a boss down at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

ERAU Plane that Sam might be on?

Even though that's still a while away, I think I'll start my vacation now. Why? Well, I have no seriously important roles after this term is up, and since I will not accept any positions in June or July (with the exception of running for Knesset) I might as well. After my adventures at Embry-Riddle, I am heading up to Rhode Island for Leadership Academy/Sail Training for the prestigious Silver Cord that is received there upon graduation.

Won't I look like a boss with that?

And, of course, through all that is final exams.

Oh Scantron, how I hate thee/

Once again, I'll be two-clicking all the while, and I might pop up every now and then in my spare time in between, so if you need to get in contact with me, I'll eventually get back to you.

Good Luck eIsrael. May you shine brightly in my absence.

See ya'll again in mid-July!

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower