V2 Migration Guideline for Thailand

Day 955, 00:53 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

Dear citizens of Thailand,

I know that many of you expect me to publish my programme for the upcoming presidential elections - but I postpone this to tomorrow. Today there is something more important to write about. The motto of the day is:

You can set or change your skill migrations until day 957 of the New World latest. Hurry up if you haven't completed your skill migrations yet!

Yes, we shall hurry up, and I am starting now:

1. Background

V2 will bring us specialization of professions and of military skills. While specialization is a natural effect of growing economies, it normally evolves over a long time. V2 migration is not an evolutionary process; it is a big bang. This is why we should not simply let it happen, but we need to coordinate it. We even need more coordination than larger countries, because our small economy could easily run into a serious problem: the lack of specialists. Imagine that every constructions worker opts to become an architect, just because it sounds much cooler than becoming a builder. Our house companies would not be able to complete a house then, they would go bankrupt and close down. The same applies to the manufacturing industries with their new specialization.

The second thing is that V2 migration is a big opportunity to improve the structure of our economy. We shall use this opportunity and close down all these inefficient raw material companies that are not competitive on the global market because we do not have high resource areas. We have been talking about this for a long time and even raised the taxes to the maximum, but some raw material companies are still in operation. I guess that the main reason for this is that we have citizens with high land skills, and for them it is still better to work in an inefficient raw material company than to start from zero building up skills in manufacturing or construction. Now these citizens have the opportunity to transfer their skills in order to give Thailand's economy a boost.

2. Migration of military skills

Migration of military skills does not need tight coordination. I want to leave this to individual decisions, and only give a few hints:

We know that all of today's weapons companies will migrate to rifle companies. This means that if not all citizens want to be riflemen (which is already proven if we look at migration statistics), we can expect an overproduction of rifles for quite some time. In this first time and maybe for a very long time, rifles will be the cheapest weapons. This means that if you fight mainly for the experience gain, you want to choose the rifle as your military skill.

On the other hand, if you go for maximum killing of opponents, you need to choose the tank, because the tank has a tactical advantage over all these soldiers with their cheap rifles. However, tanks will be quite expensive in the beginning.

There is also an option in the middle: As gift companies will migrate to helicopter companies, helicopters should be available at reasonable prices (compared to tanks). They offer a tactical advantage over tanks, and because of that I would like to see a few strong helicopter soldiers in our army to fight off enemy tanks and thus protect our riflemen. I have chosen this option for myself.

2. Migration of economy skills

Here we need tight coordination, or our economy will collapse. For manufacturing and construction, the best way is to let the company owners coordinate their staff. I ask people to stay at their current jobs in order to make the task easier. Manufacturing or construction employees who want to change over to the other sector should inform their company manager immediately and also try to contact a manager of a company who would be the new employer in V2.

I urge all manufacturing or construction company managers to make their company migration settings, calculate their demand of all types of skills, distribute the demand among the staff, and then send messages to each employee to inform him about the necessary migration of his economy skills. Don't wait! Start today!

For land workers, it is different. As described above, land workers should use the opportunity to change over to one of the other sectors. My opinion is that we should build up a tank industry, as tanks will have higher demand than supply when V2 starts. Our economy will get a boost if we start to produce fancy tanks instead of cutting wood with 50% efficiency. As we do not yet have a fixed plan how to establish this industry, this is one of the tasks of the next president. Jimmy Miller and I have already talked about creating one tank factory, and probably we can attract other investors, too. But first we need the number of people who want to change over, and we need to coordinate the skill distribution.

I urge all land workers who are willing to move over to the new tank industry to send a message to the Thailand Ministry of Finance, stating their preferred profession!

As tanks are mainly attack weapons, I recommend to choose becoming a technician or an engineer, but we will need a few mechanics and fitters, too. The Thailand Ministry of Finance may answer with a request to change your choice accordingly.