V2 a very long way away

Day 838, 10:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by camcam

Oer the past few weeks a lot of people have said &quot😉on't______________ because v2 is coming!&quot😢mostly malta) and o be honest, you should do it. There one article a week on the launch of v2, and 8 articles to go. That means that there is 2 months (atleast) until the launch. On top of that theres a good 3 week period after that whilst the markets stabilize in which you really shouldn't spend your money. So stop saving for v2, with no interest on your money, because its not coming for a while, the average citizen can make a lot more gold between now and then, by buying a house, using it to gain wellness and fight more, and then a week before selling it. You'll gain a lot more then buying equivalent food.

Don't believe me?
here is the math
q5 food= 3.90 gbp
q1=.20 gbp
q5 house= 23 gold
q5-q1 food= 3.70
minimum amount of days till v2 8 weeks times 7 days=56
3.70*56=207.2 gbp
207.2gbp / by the curren benchmark exchange rate of 33.33gbp a gold=6.2 gold
23 gold-6.2=16.8

which means that by buying a q5 house and q1 food daily. you get 1 more wellness, and have to sell the house for 16.8gold at the end of it, to pay for the cost of the house versues food. 16.8 is less then they can be made for. So the housing companies will buy them off of you for 17 absolutely no problem. So if you want to save money, whilst getting a big wellness boost, i suggest a house. v2 is months away.
