USWP PP Address: Back at the Top

Day 1,026, 10:56 Published in USA USA by Fionia

I've been the officially elected Party President for almost a month now, and the de factoParty President for close to a month and a half. My term started off somewhat roughly, but today, I would like to ask that you allow me to serve yet another month as your PP.

Why should I be re-elected? The rest of this article will show you.

Forum Activity

Forums are an important part of any party community, for planning, organization, and just getting to know people. So let's take a look at the stats from the whole August and compare them to the first 11 days of September:

New Topics: 62 in August, 60 so far in September
New Posts: 435 in August, 484 so far in September
New Members: 23 in August, 15 so far in September

In just 11 days, we are already meeting and, in some cases, surpassing the activity level for an entire month. A party that's stagnating wouldn't have those kind of stats. A party that is revitilazing and breaking out of a cycle of stagnation would.

Workers Militia

As I mentioned in my last article, we went from 0 to 10 people in the month of August. We are still adding new people every day, and the WM has had its first taste of mass attacks within the past week. They were present at the battle of Balochistan, and I even joined them for the battle in New York to see how well they were coordinating.

I was impressed. They are definitely not the strongest people on the field, but they are a very tight-knit group, and they all know what they are doing and what they need to do. Their IRC channel is almost always busy, and you can read about their adventures in TG Lake's newspaper.

Zombie Hordes

One of our biggest recent projects is finally ready to unveil.

It became obvious after several failed attempts in the past that our old Mass Messaging system was not very workable. We'd have maybe one or two people actually bother to do the work, and with a party this large, people got burnt out easily from that job.

So now we're trying something new. The idea was originated by Necros Xiaoban, and is roughly based off the idea of military divisions and platoons.

The party has been divided up into 4 Regions, and each region into 3 Districts. The head of each District is responsible for not only mailing their districts when told, but also keeping an eye on the wellness and happiness of district members and offering assistance when needed. They are also supposed to keep an eye on when people leave the party so that we can improve our retention strategies. And the Zombie Hordes team has already completed their first assignment, a MM about elections news.

That's a rather basic explanation of the system. The more important part to know is that we will very soon be having much more contact with the general members of the party. The largest district has only 73 members, a very manageable number to MM. With districts this small, there's no reason why we can't be MMing once a week or even more often. And the more communication we have with people, the more people coming to our forums and such (see part 1).

Election Business

First off, I would like to direct you to the USWPost's latest article, which is where you can find the info about how to sign up to be a candidate or blocker.

What I want to mention here are the simple numbers. Last month, in total, we had 22 candidates sign up. This month, three days after releasing the article and 1 day after sending a MM out, we have 21 candidates signed up, waiting to be approved. Just like with the forum activity, there's a dramatic difference between last month and this month.

A Database

Laxsnor has made one. Some of its cool features include:

- New Citizen List: Being able to see who created an account in the eUS on any given day.
- Searchable Citizen list (of the eUS)
- Searching by wellness
- Searching by happiness
- Searching by level
- Searching by region
- Searching by party
-Smaller 6th parties
- Employed/Unemployed status

It is a very useful tool. And we are offering use of it to the general public, for a small fee.

Regular citizens can pay one gold to get a username/password to access the database for a week.

Parties can pay 1.5 gold a week.

Government officials can be discussed on a case-by-case basis, but will generally be free-of-charge.

PM Laxsnor, Ian john Locke IV, or myself if you are interested in getting access to this.

The numbers don't lie. This party is on the rise again. If you let me stick around, this party will soon be reaching heights it hasn't since the immediate post-WWIII era. Let's bring back the glory days, USWP.

Signing off,