Useful eAustrian Links and Important Updates

Day 821, 04:56 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Useful eAustrian Links and Important eAustrian Updates/Announcements

Greetings to all,

It is obvious that I have not published an article in some time and that is due to the war with eAustria and so many war recap articles.eCroatia hasn't attacked for awhile now and I have decided to make use of that. eAustria needs to get back on track as we had taken so many steps towards a better eAustria. I shall once again publish an article that is to help guide new eAustrian players or ones that just moved to eAustria.

Useful eAustrian Links

eAustria Forum
eAus IRC Chat Room
eAustria IRC Chat Room
President's Newspaper
Battle Orders

Articles to Read
This is not really related to the article but like PrinceofAustria, personnel advertising.">
KaiserA For A Better Austria">
Secretary of Defense


Important Updates/Announcements

As all of you know the Congress elections are set to take place very soon. And something else you may know, once a citizen is granted the privilege of being congress, that citizen is given five gold. Many eAustrians fought against the Croatians in previous battles proving their dedication to their country and their loyalty. If you wish to help in restoring eAustria to it's previous state then you would donate gold. Not because of anything else like the organization that makes the list of persons who haven't paid yet but because you wish to help in restoring eAustria. If you don't wish to donate then remember,you are not required to.

Now, as I stated befoe, eAustria was on the correct track to a better eAustria. This could be continued in the next eAustrian elections. If you read the advertised article that features Kaiser Alex, you would see that Kaiser Alex has announced his presidential candidacy. I am in full support of this and look to show my support in the future. Now, adding to he paragraph before this one. If you do not feel comfotable donating to the Bank then donate to Kaiser Alex if and when he is elected as you can see that one of his goals is to bring back a quality five hospital to eAustria. Hopefully, we can have it in a different region though. (Salzburg, perhaps?)

Thanks for votes, comments and subscriptions

Ciel Phantom
Prince of eAustria">