Use eHungarian hospitals !

Day 1,190, 08:06 Published in Romania USA by Blaydh



Some advice,

Please watch the fight here:

if still open in the round 11 , and want to take hospitals from rounds of 12, 13, 14 will move to ePoland or eHungary's ally , which requiring q1 ticket. Then come back and fight.

Stay there until you heal , and be sure to use as much of them.


Salutare romani,

Cateva sfaturi:

Daca inca mai ramane deschisa lupta cu eungurii de aici .

si vreti spitale ele sunt in rundele 12 ,13 , 14.

Pentru asta va mutati in ePolonia in runda a 11 -a , trebuie doar 1 bilet q1 , nu inainte sa va fi dat toate luptele din Ro. Folositi-le spitalele si intoarceti-va acasa si apoi luptati.

Astazi vrem VICTORIE..

A eRomanian fighter,


Best Regards .