USA Irish Regiments

Day 617, 15:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tomas O'Se


Day 618 is moving day.

I hope you have used the last few days of preparation wisely. i.e. getting your health up, not starting new jobs, begging guns and moving tickets off your friends etc.

I will begin giving orders in this newspaper on Day 619 so I expect anyone who is a member of either regiment to be in New Jersey or Florida on that day. This means that if you need moving tickets, ask now.

Do the following:

1. Go to your Profile page.
2. Underneath the heading 'Location' click the button 'Change'.
3. Select the location 'Germany' then 'Brandenburg' and click 'move'.
4. Perform steps 1 and 2 again but now...
5. Select your location. (USA and NJ or USA and Florida)
6. Click 'move'.

After you've taken a few photos of Berlin you should be in the correct state in the US ready to fight. I will give you orders on where and when to fight.

If you would like to join us, please leave a comment below or PM me.

If you're having problems or just have any questions please PM me (Brigade leader), WallingtonBear (New Jersey) or george heisman (Florida).

This is your chance to stand up for what is right in the world. Please join with me to stop the inexerable march of the evil PEACE.

Good luck and Godspeed troopers
