USA Irish Regiment Stuff

Day 627, 16:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tomas O'Se

Hello eWorld,
sorry I haven't written in a while but I've been RL busy. As you know, I'm in charge of the USA Irish Regiments. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have fought with me.

I asked you to come with me across the ocean and the response has been fantastic! So many! And so much passion for the cause! Keep it up lads! USA may be going down like a sack of s--te but it is our duty to fight even if our government can't.

Thankyou george heisman (CO of 1st Irish Regiment of Florida) and WallingtonBear (CO of 1st Irish Regiment of New Jersey). You have done your jobs well. I only wish I had more guns to give the both of you but seeing as the US Government imploded in spectacular style while I was away putting my feet up, we've been left kinda high and dry on the guns front. Oh well 🙁

I'll keep this brief. We're still recruiting. Anyone interested, please PM me. I've got some moving tickets kicking about if anyone is struggling to get over here.

Thankyou for all of your work so far. Take heart friends, the battle is far from over. But in order for PEACE to be defeated, we must summon up every ounce of strength that we have and fight for all we're worth! This means you!

Tomas O'Se

Leader of the USA Irish Brigade