USA attacks one day after offering peace.

Day 1,122, 10:57 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman

UK has seemed to decline the peace offering from USA, because on 8:00, day 1,121 the USA has attacked South East England. Our prediction is that USA should win this battle. In other news at 9:00 day 1,121 Bulgaria has signed a peace treaty with USA, this will last 30 days

A congress donation to Congressional Budget Office was propose😛 at 2:00 day 1,122.
Prediction: land slide Yes.
USA now has a new welcoming message for new citizens: on 10:00 day 1,121: Yes, Vote: 36-4

Other News

USA proposed a mutual protection pact with Republic of Moldova, at 10:00 day 1,121.

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Editor: Chris Hartman