USA attacked Liaoning, Iran. Fight for your country

Day 760, 18:39 Published in Hungary Hungary by rpoker

English version:

In this night Usa attacked Liaoning.

Fight for Iran! Fight for Phoenix!
Use high quality weapon!
Friend in need is a friend indeed.
True friends walk in when the whole world walks out.
Iran need your help. Liaoning is a high iron regio and the key for Heilongjiang.

How can you help?
a. "1. Decide if You want to help in the war against eUSA!
2. If you decide NO, than just take care of your stamp collection, no hard feelings. If you decide YES, than WORK, and then leave a message before you resign to your employer, explaining your plan (wh did U resign, when do U plan to return, etc). If U are a member of a party, you have to resign from that as well.
3. Go to mibbit #togov room, and You will be offered 2 tickets and Q2 / Q3 wepons depeding on your strength. If you have some money, you may do some shopping as well (weapons, food, gift...whatever you are used with). By shopping at home you help your own economy!
4. Move to Liaoning / Iran as soon as you can, but preferabley before midnight!
5. Lay back and wait for the enemy with high wellness.
6. Tomorrow morning log-in before daychange and FIGHT x 5 and Heal in Q5 Hospital.
7. Tomorrow after daychange Fight again x 5, and Heal!
8. Depending on the status of the battle:
a. either return to your home and go back to your employer or…
b. Go to Heilongjiang / Hungary and wait for the second attack to come. (in this case You must get a job in Hungary, but it will not be a problem, all the allies are welcome in Hungary)
9. In the Heilongjiang battle (if it will be at all) we will publish new instructions."
montaigne: Save Iran! (Free moving tickets!)

b. Please read and vote this article:

ps.: Don't forget to Vote. Thx.

Hungarian version:
Amerika megtámadta Liaoning-ot!

Segítsünk iráni barátainkon és védjük meg szeretett Kitty-nket!
Nagy kaliberű fegyverrel üss, ha lehet még napváltás előtt.

Aktuális információt mibbit-en az #erep vagy a #togov szobában kaphatsz.

Kérlek ezt a cikket is vote-l😛

ui.:Ne felejtsd el vote-lni. Köszi.

A resistance has started in Ryanggang
A resistance has started in Chagang