USA , Are u mad?

Day 1,439, 16:13 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Renji aizen

Morning friends..
In this news, I’ll discuss about a country named USA, yup, the country which has became our eternal enemy for a long time on the east and share border with us in Papua.

I was surprised with USA recently, not because they successfully attacked Indonesia and gained our 3 original regions, and not because they successfully protected Aussie. This is not about war, but about MPP (Mutual Protection) that they had.

They have 31 MPPs, here is the list:
Argentina Expires in 4 days
Japan Expires in 13 days
Canada Expires in 2 months (terra)
Germany Expires in 28 days (terra)
South Africa Expires in 24 days
Croatia Expires in 29 days (eden)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Expires in 19 days
Greece Expires in 4 days (eden)
India Expires in 21 days
Republic of Moldova Expires in 23 days
Belgium Expires in 20 days
Australia Expires in 3 days (eden)
Finland Expires in 10 days (eden)
Italy Expires in 22 days (eden)
Chile Expires in 13 days (terra)
Israel Expires in 19 days (eden)
Romania Expires in 10 days (eden)
Norway Expires in 28 days (eden)
China Expires in 2 months (eden)
Malaysia Expires in 10 days
Cyprus Expires in 16 days (terra)
Belarus Expires in 5 days(eden)
Denmark Expires in 11 days
Brazil Expires in 10 days (terra)
Bulgaria Expires in 14 days (eden)
France Expires in 2 months (terra)
Russia Expires in 2 months (terra)
Portugal Expires in 13 hours
Uruguay Expires in 3 days
Netherlands Expires in 19 days
Colombia Expires in 20 days

Look at their MPPs, almost third of whole country in this eWorld. Almost all 2 alliances, Terra, and Eden (except Ukraine), became their MPP.
USA spent 310.000 USD or equal with 300 G just for MPP with weak and useless countries (1 MPP = 10.000USD). It makes me think, Are eUSA so stupid so they’re being used by other countries or they really afraid with the power of an alliance called ONE

Now let us analize one by one, are their MPPs really strong?

USEFUL : pretty strong country, cannot be underestimate, and give full support for USA because they have no important war right now

USELESS : small country, have no terrifying power 😛

USELESS : big country, but they’re facing UK right now

USELESS : USA cannot take advantage of this country, even maybe eGermany take advantage of eUSA, they are busy facing ePoland in RW

USELESS: they just a puppet country, weak, why USA MPPed with them??

USEFUL: they’re strong country, although in nomaden condition, they still have powerfull players such as Argrob and Romper

LITTLE USEFUL: they can give full support, but just with little damage

USELESS: Only have one region at present, almost certain they won’t help eUSA and focus with their own problem

USELESS: busy having a war with eThailand

-Republic of eMoldova
LITTLE USEFUL: same with eBosnia, can give full support, but little damage

LITTLE USEFUL: same with eMoldova and eBosnia

USEFUL: they can give full support, and have no big war at present

USELESS: busy facing eEstonia in war

USELESS: only have one region left, and will vanished soon because eSlovenia will attack them. They’ll prepare for the attack

USEFUL : they’re strong and not in a big war

USELESS: busy facing eTurkey in RW

USEFUL: known as admin land, because the founder of eRepublik came from this vampire country, have many of senior players with terrifying STR.

USELESS: small country, don’t have terrifying power 😛

USEFUL: after saw their players when they attacked eIndonesia, they’re really strong country

USELESS : bye2 eMalaysia :>

USELESS : although have INCI, but their regions has been taken by eTurkey

-eBelarus :
USELESS : busy facing eLithuania in war

LITTLE USEFUL : on a good trend because they’ve beaten eSweden

USEFUL : strong and reputable, have players equal and surpass all-x

USEFUL : big country because have real player (not fake/imitation), and already tested when they’re able to hold eSerbia

USELESS : where are you ?? xD

USEFUL : strong country, suitable for war support

-ePortugal :
USEFUL : they’re not busy with important war, and just guard regions in Venezuela

USELESS : unreliable support country

USELESS : small country, unreliable

It’s very funny to see so many useless MPP they had, they spent 310.000 USD just for parasites in their body. FAILLL

How useless they are in struggle against eSerbia, ePoland and eSpain. We can say that war is:
31 MPPs vs 21 MPPs or TERRA and EDEN vs ONE
But they always lost

The alliance of USA, Terra, and Eden, is just a JOKE, and it’s better to be dissolved because it’s so useless for you all

I will be shame if my country become your friend,
No pride as an alliance
No victory to be proud of
Only known as a failed money spender alliance.