Update: UK and Ireland ... oy vey!

Day 576, 13:23 Published in USA USA by scrabman
Update: the UK withdrew from the battle early this morning. The President of Ireland told me that this was an exercise to test military readiness. The President of the UK has told me nothing which makes me wonder how our relationship as allies will fare in the future.

This whole situation has freaked a lot of people out. Fortunately Nithraldur had given me a heads up so I could calm my Military commanders down. Other nations who are supposed to be allied with the UK (including the US) were apparently told nothing. This was a mess and created a lot of chaos and confusion in the world. None of us are an island and we must consider this when acting as our actions tend to have a ripple effect. I hope that relations can be shored up. I can say that the relationship between the USA and Ireland remains strong. Unfortunately, I am not sure I can say the same about the UK.

Hey ... look over here.


Can we all calm down now? Apparently not as there is now an impeachment vote up against Ireland's President, and friend of mine, Nithraldur.

Nithraldur has been a good President for Ireland and a good friend to chat with one President to another. He has helped us host our War Games for the last several months and he knows that Ireland is a strategic ally that we would defend against any invasion because of how much they have helped us with little benefit to themselves in having 15 MPPs against them.

So let's calm down. Yes, it looked like a bad idea and I told him so. But what's done is done and it's my hope that our War Games can get started again over the weekend (indeed I had been trying to get those going today until this came up). This is a mess of a situation and it has been very inconvenient for everyone who freaked out about it today. I don't advise doing it again for anybody.