
Day 1,168, 16:34 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman

The 50 States

Spain is the hot topic right now in the USA, Spain declared us as hostile then told us where best friends. Whether they mean it or not, Haliman pretty much said that actions speak louder than words. Therefore the Spain USA relationship is over, for now. As the POTUS race heats up, it’s a race between Emerick and Haliman. As for now in the Federalist Party Primary results Emerick holds on to a very slim lead. Though I was not debate last night, from the USA forums it looked like I would have
slept through it anyways, http://eusaforums.com/forum/index.php/topic,2867.0.html.
Anyways it’s a slow news day, I am trying to get an interview with Haliman and Emerick so keep watching. (My team is working on the pics issue btw)


Proposed by Haliman, Do you agree on the text used by the president to welcome new Citizens in your country?' http://www.erepublik.com/en/USA/law/66525 Accepted on day 1,167. 42-8

Proposed by ManThigh, Do you agree to transfer 3571 FIM from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Accepted on day 1,167 49-0.


Chubu was conquered by Resistance force of Japan in the war versus USA Defeat on day 1,168.

A resistance has started in Chongqing on day 1,168

Tibet was conquered by Resistance force of China in the war versus USA Defeat 1,168.

Southeast of Mexico was conquered by Resistance force of Mexico in the war versus USA Defeat on day 1,168.

Sistan and Baluchistan was conquered by Iran in the war versus USA Defeat on day 1,168.

Hormozgan was conquered by Resistance force of Iran in the war versus USA Defeat on day 1,167.

Balochistan was conquered by Resistance force of Pakistan in the war versus USA Defeat on day 1,167.

Esfahan was conquered by Iran in the war versus USA Defeat on day 1,167.

War and Peace.

President of Pakistan proposed an alliance with USA. http://www.erepublik.com/en/USA/law/66664

The alliance between Spain and USA was rejected.

-Editor: Chris Hartman
-Reporter: CaptJustice

Thanks for reading.

E-mail me at The50states@hotmail.com