Unjusticely Banned

Day 750, 13:56 Published in USA Austria by Ciel Phantom

Dear whomever may read this,

After working hard on my articles and obtaining many votes and subscriptions (at least in my view) without using advertisements and just on the peek of running for Congress in California, I Yosuke21, was banned. Why you might ask? Because of the eRepublik Multi-Account system. I was accused of creating, once again creating not owning, multiple accounts. Now my question is how the eRepublik admins can make such a false accusation. The accounts that were banned along with mines were reported to have created there accounts in the United Kingdom. Mines was detected to be created in Nova Scotia, Canada. This was proven by an admin's statement. Our accounts were all made on the same day to two days after. Do the admins expect me to just fly over to the United Kingdom and back to Cananda in one day? Wow

I am not upset about re-creating. I understand that I have had an issue with an admin. We got into a knowledgeable debate over something said on the forums. However, no inappropriate language was used. I know that the specified admin still holds a grudge after being proven wrong but I don think that added to the problem. Once again, I am not upset about re-creating. I just despise not knowing the real reason.

Edit: This is clearly not a complaint, just a request to answer a question.

~!Vote and Subscribe to help me reach back to where I was!~
~Ciel Phantom~