Unity Party: Its a New Dawn, Its a New Day

Day 543, 07:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Greetings friends,
Your new party president John Forseti here, feels good to be sitting in the captain's chair, especially with over 70% of the vote, but it means I've got a legacy of solid leadership to live up too and a lot of hope entrusted to me. I am of course still my own person, and I'll be doing things a bit differently as you may or may not have noticed already, some things will be a bit more relaxed, and others might be a bit tighter, but I'm sure it'll still lead to a great result. Let's see if I can manage it.

But first, party election results;

John Forseti
91 Votes - 72.22%

Teh User
27 Votes - 21.43%

Richard Kelly
8 Votes - 6.35%

Total Votes: 126
Turnout: 28.9%

Our total vote from last month has increased but our percentage turn out has decreased slightly. That's a shame, but we still have a pretty respectable score compared to the other parties, let's try and get back to 30% for next month. To do that we'll be looking to increase recruitment and get more members on the forums. If you want to help out, get on over, request access to the party forums and volunteer for our regional party scheme.

Speaking of volunteering, applications to the Council of Unity, our main executive and administrative body are open, we have four positions awaiting appointment;
The Vice President
Admin Executive
Media Executive
Congress Secretary
For more information about the council of unity and to apply for a of the position on it make sure you head over to those forums. Don't worry if you don't make it on the council, there's still the committee for anyone to volunteer for, we'll be able to find something useful for you to do.

So I guess that about wraps it up for now, Congress Elections are a week away, expect more word on that later, for now a parting message;

It's a New Dawn, It's a New Day

Are we feeling good?

The Unity Party
UK National Forums