United We Stand!

Day 838, 03:27 Published in South Africa South Africa by United Tribes of South Africa
In these troubled times all citizens of eSouth Africa need to consolidate in unity and strength for the future of our wonderful country.

Tribal Consolidation in Western Australia

The United Tribes of South Africa instructs all member tribes to move to Western Australia during this time of crisis. Please issue moving tickets to all members of your tribe and instruct them to move to Western Australia.

eSouth Africa WILL survive and will return STRONGER and more UNITED than ever before!

Please ask all tribal members to read and vote up the following articles:


http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/esa-ministry-of-defence-state-of-emergency-1237937/1/20" style>Read and Vote!


http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/fix-this-mess-1237861/1/20" style>Read and Vote!

Also please ask all members to sign the following petition:


http://www.erepublik.com/en/forum/topic/174232/fix-this-mess/1" style>Sign this Petition

A tribal organization is owned equally by all members of the tribe and is organized according to a tribal structure. The members of the tribe combine resources and work together in unity for the benefit of all, thereby strengthening each other and, in effect, becoming something like a "super citizen".

The United Tribes of South Africa is an umbrella organization for its member tribes, is owned equally by each member tribe, and is also organized according to a tribal structure.

All member tribes work together in unity for the benefit of all tribes thereby strengthening each other and the country as a whole.

Please see the Wiki page of the Tigra Tribe for an example of how a Tribal Organization is structured.

http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Tigra_Tribe" style>Tigra Tribe

Please contact us if you are interested in forming your own tribe or joining an existing tribe in order to strengthen our country.

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