United Countries Union: Increase in Activity

Day 786, 15:12 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
United Countries Union: Increase in Activity

All UCU members are aware and now so are the public, after reading this, I should say. After getting chosen as one of the secondary leaders and being inactive for awhile I decided to put forth a challenge for myself. This challenge will be the creation of new UCU groups. The point of this is to be a highly organized group. See below.

United Countries Union Black Ops.
This would surely have to be the first group on the list as our military is our most important asset to the group and having so completed so many operations/missions, it is surely the military that deserves to stand as one of the most proud groups on eRepublik especially with our small numbers. Our soldiers have been deployed in Belgium before it was occupied by the English. We have now resided in eAustria. In this group, squad making will be done, strategizing will be done, discussions between Military Chief and soldiers will be done and much more.

{UCU}Political Trinity
Majority of our members are involved in their respective countries' politics. Therefore, by the descion of 79% of the group, this group shall be added to unite all politics and have more organized conversations. Not only on their country's status but also there will be discussing on actions that can be taken to further all member's political career and ensure their re-election.

United Countries Union HQ
We will use the current group as the HQ. In this Group the following will be done. Recruiting new members, awareness, this means that this is where newsletters [Private Messages] will be sent to members getting them caught up on the current happenings and alerting them of meetings and alliances, now to continue the list, the final things that will be done in this group are, voting, elections and promotions/demotions.

These groups are to established within the next two months. One should be deployed each month.

Ciel Phantom,