UKRP; Supporting Hassan Pesaran

Day 621, 01:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters

As you may well be aware by now, the UK Reform Party has decided to support the incumbent president, Hassan Pesaran. Why is this? I shall attempt to explain the reasoning behind this move, in as short and sweet a manner as possible

Hassan has done a damm good job

With a world war raging on our borders, we need continuity. We need a leader who we know can lead us through this situation. Hassan, for now, is this man. There were other considerations as well; would running a candidate against Hassan result in the UK becoming split and fragmented, rendering the recent steps forward by the country as a whole useless? For the first time in my memory (Thats a memory that stretches right back to day 22 of the new world), the UK has, as a general rule, put aside party differences, and worked together for the betterment of the nation.

And it is working. I daresay many of you have had more fun in the past month than you have before. And it was with the populace of the UK in mind that we chose to support Hassan in these elections.

Check back in a month when we begin the secret plan to seize total control of the UK, and rule with an iron fist.