UKRP Official Announcement - Our new Party President

Day 516, 13:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters

UKRP Official Announcement 19/04/09 – Our new party president

As most people in the UK recall, on 15th April 2009 a newcomer named Marcus Antonius Varias entered the party president race in the UK Reform Party. This was met with contradicting feelings as MAV was only three days old when he announced his candidancy. By running a successful campaign he managed to convince people of his motives and gained a landslide of votes, making him the party president of the UKRP. Some people were angry of this, some saw this as a revolution of new blood taking over the oldest party of eUK. Then, upon winning elections, the newly elected leader Marcus Antonius Varias disappeared. He had promised he will bring change to the party, revigourise it with guidance of experienced members.

Regardless of Marcus Antonius Varias short deeds as party president, his elections caused a surge of activity within the party and internal reforms have taken place. Today, approximately 0900-1000 erep time a new turn took place. Marcus Antonius Varias resigned as party president and certacito, the longest standing and most experienced UKRP congressman was selected as our new official party president. We congratulate certacito for his position but in light of the election results and certacito's already monopolized time, the party is currently being led by Acting Party President Arthur Wellesley, who came second in the PP elections.

A further statement from Arthur Wellesley will be forthcoming.