UKPP Presidency

Day 1,512, 13:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

Elections are upon us once again and with a PTOer currently candidating for the role (again) it is vital we secure our party with an official nominee.

4 Members have responded to the 'invite' PM and are looking for your backing to become the offical UKPP candidate.


January's PP Elections are coming up and we need to elect an official candidate.

Since I'm intending to run, I'll explain now why you should vote for me.

"As a concerned member, I worry about the future of the Party and the country. First of all we have a lack of active members, I hope to increase this with improvements to active bonuses, as well as reductions to tax for upstart businesses within the party. Secondly as a country goes, we suck. We've lost nearly all our areas to the French, Canucks and Irish, we need to regain them. For that to happen we need more active members participating in RW's and other such wars for the eUK."

Emperor Richardum Cranium

I'm really not the politicos kinda person where I brag and tell you what I did in the past, what I'm doing now, or in the future. One thing I do like is when Alafie hands out free stuff to help the new players. Maybe that is something that as a party we could do. Depending on how much each player is producing they give a little to the Party to distribute. I don't know if that is going on, the logistics, and people join the party just for free stuff and then leave.

Honestly, I have been frustrated with the past president that I actually requested citizenship from Serbia, and later I rescinded. It was another frustrating day when I engaged battle with Canadians in the morning NWE and we finally won later that evening (Guam time). Why did this war for NWE take as long as it did? Communication. Personally, I no longer listen to the President, heck, I even denied his "friendship request" and then to see the former Pres. Thomas as MoD wanting to invade Mexico.

I firmly believe that besides increasing membership that we need a military strategy and an economic strategy. For example, why were there two RW (Scotland and East England) when everything should be concentrated where we had the advantage? As for continued wars, I am against them. I hold export licenses to New Zealand (Q6 tanks go for 41 and sold in UK for 46) and Estonia and I do quite well that, but the more exports there are the more people I can hire, the more taxes I pay.

The main reason I am running for Party Chairman is because I would like to serve 30 days in Congress.

In conclusion, if you vote for me I sincerely thank you. If not, then please use your human right and vote. EVERYBODY SHOULD LEAD AT LEAST ONCE and SURROUND THEMSELVES WITH GREAT SUPPORT.

Angela Williams

Hello this is my first serious attempt running for the position of PP. What qualifies me for such a roll you may be wondering? Despite being relatively new player I have gained this list of achievements

- Vice President of UKPP x1
- Former Congressman for Scotland x1
- Party Regional Manager for Scotland x3
- Party Media Manager x2
- Party RM Manager x1
-Head of Recruitment x1
- Member of The Trade Federation
- Deputy Minister for Home Affairs.

As you can see by this I have worked closely under the PP and therefore I know what it takes to be a good PP and how I should act as a PP. Let’s not dwell on past achievements what Do I plan on doing for the party? Recently some people have said that there are a few people who make the decisions and order the others round like pawns on a chess set. While I dispute this claim I also believe that the next PP should be aware of this and give more polls. I believe that as a party we must make decisions as one. I want to build the forums up with active members. I will also try my up most to continue the salt program one of the best helping hands you can get in the party business wise.

I am not going to make promises like we will overtake ESO because to be honest I think numbers are meaningless. Why gain more people into the party when they aren’t active on forums? We need to worry less about recruiting as that is going well as our growth from 20 member’s shows. What we need to work on is what happens after people join our party I will be focusing on how I can improve life once people join the party.

My campaign summary. (VOTE)

- Voting on polls needs to be increased.
- Organize a better Forum environment.
- Teach new party members how to Progress.
- Everyone has a voice that must be herd.

My slogan is VOTE. A strong leader is someone who listens to the party he is leading.


I am an active UKPP member on both IRC and the forums. At this moment I have no past political jobs so I can't list a list like Angie has done :/ Last month I was runner-up PP and I stay with what I wanted last month: "I don't plan to change much in the party", think of me as Sir Nick Griffin Jr, because what SNG has done is wonderful and I plan to keep it that way.

I will message you all as much as possible on the happenings and changes of the UKPP (and that is something for me because I truly am a p lazy person).

My slogan is gonna be...erm...

"Keep things the way they are, because it's great like it is" (or KTTWTABIGLII, for short)

Simple and small things I shall change in the party include:
¬Get more people on the forums
¬Encourage more people to join the UKPP, by that I mean increase the number of RPMs in the nation
¬The military is fine, but what can we do with all that money in the UKPP wallet? I suggest spending more on the salaries of the people who work for the companies by some, quite big, percentage.
¬Improve the relationship the UKPP has to other parties.

Vote iGuy! 😃

Voting slips have been sent to all members (not on the blacklist) - Voting closes on midnight of the 12th January (GMT).

UKPP Electoral Officer.