UK- Sol Poll

Day 844, 11:45 Published in Singapore Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

As a nation we’ve always had great respect for Sol. This respect is fostered on the basis that you took the decision to be a defensive alliance and not become involved with the petty squabbles of EDEN and PHX, and our close bond with the Philippines after it was rescued by a group of dedicated UK citizens. Our nation also served as an Observer in the Sol Security Council before said position was abolished, however it is clear a friendship still remains.

It is on the back of this that we come to you today, asking for your opinions. The UK Ministry of Foreign Affairs has developed a poll/questionnaire for the people of Sol to try to gauge public opinion of Britain as a nation. This can be found here:

I’d just like to thank you in advance for filling in the poll, it will be very useful in helping to dictate Foreign Policy and we really do value the opinions of all people from right across the world. These responses will help us build upon the already firm foundation of friendship with member nations of your alliance.

Thank you for your co-operation,
United Kingdom Apprentice of Foreign Affairs