UK Penguin Police

Day 1,970, 16:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Ok so for todays theme I held an open party vote for people to choose any theme they wanted the winner was UK Party Party *whistle* well it had those initials this was a very predictable choice I did like their second choice…

‘Mcqueerberus to GTFO’

But as I’m bound by this democracy rubbish I’ll have to go with

Yay party

Or maybe
UK Party People

Or maybe
UK Penguin Police

Or maybe
UK Party President day where we celebrate the awesome party president we have here in the eUK

Or maybe
UK Pokemon Photo album
Ah my specialist subject pokemon

Well whatever the PP means (and surely by now you realise it doesn’t matter)
Join us

What’s that Charlie sheen + pokemon + a penguin policeman not enough fine bonus pictures