Twice Glitched Out of Running: Time to Leave

Day 1,008, 21:43 Published in USA USA by Zeutheir

I really liked Congress. I thought I was a good Congressman. I had a lot of fun doing it.

When I got screwed out of the last election because of a game glitch (state went to Poland, game showed I was running but then rescinded), I stuck around because I had faith in the people here and thought the game would be turning up.

This election, I've again not even been allowed to run or compete for the seat that was mine according to the FEC spreadsheet. More likely than not, it's because of a game glitch. While I'd like to point fingers and play the blame game, it's much more likely -- considering the game -- that it's just the game that messed up. So, I won't try to sully anyone's good name. On top of that glitch, the game has still been bleeding players.

I should've left when V2 hit when we all saw how awful it is. I should've left during the mass exodus that followed V2. I should've left after I got screwed out of the first election. I should've left after all the other BS that has happened between then and now.

I can't just sit through another "should've."

When this place isn't fun anymore, it's not a game anymore, and it's not worth getting upset over. Getting back into Congress was the one thing that could've kept me here, and the very clear way that has been precluded from me makes my decision to leave an easy one.

My best,