tutorial: All you need to know about working

Day 1,394, 08:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

In our previous article we covered some general ideas about the game called eRepublik. You remember? About estimating opponent's strength and agendas? Next couple of articles won't be about strategy. In the next couple articles we'll try to explain some technicalities and give you some tips about this and that.

First off, medals. As you know you get medals by working, training... in the following series of articles we'll try to present some tips on buying the media mogul medal, using efficient ways to grab a resistance hero medal, things like that. Remember, medals are also a way to make money.

Today's article...


Why do you work? Only one reason. To make boss happy.

Earning a worker's medal

This article is going to be pretty short. You get worker's medal for working 30 days in a row.

try to accomplish this one, it's a valuable source of your gold income

Other effects, besides making the boss happy, is earning your salary, of course, receiving two experience points, contributing tax to the country, making cool products someone will use, and in case of working in your own company is basically the same reasons except the tax part. Manager work is tax free.

Two of the systems we'll mention here as we go, is communes and one day work system.


We'll mention this as a curiosity, in case you run into such system, which you'll do, if you take a job in the army for example. You'll get the offer to work for minimum wage and get the products you produce donated to you instead of having to buy them off market. This sort of schemes lessen the tax burden, one could say such system is a way of detaching a company from a country tax apparatus.

One day work company

You'll know you run into 0-DW company when you get sacked 5 minutes after you have worked for that day. Don't worry, your boss was happy with your work. He's just running a lot of workers through his sweat shop factory that day. Point is, your boss was employing tens of workers that day, as sometimes it's cheaper for him to run ten workers through one factory then to buy two such factories providing steady jobs.

That's all for today. Let's end this article with one last chapter...

Best job offers in the world

The reason for working abroad is simple. Better salary. As you probably keep your savings in gold, we'll present this table which is a bit out of date (last update 10 days ago), but will give you the general idea of which countries have a decent gold standard of living.

left click and view image for larger picture

till the next article...

Jack Jockson