TUP: Voice of the Left

Day 573, 09:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
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TUP: The Voice of the Left

Dear Friends,

It has been a long time since I wrote to you, but I feel that the time has come for the sleeping giant of the left, The Unity Party, to retake its place in British society. We have for a long time been known for our unity of purpose, our position as champion of the ordinary player and our often forthright position on foreign affairs. None of this has changed! This month, congress has been a strange beast. After a bad performance in congress for us, and an excellent one for the former paratrooper regiment (who stood for the first time in months) activity has literally died. Apart from a few proposals to ‘tidy up’ existing laws there has been no new legislation this term. There has been very little of anything! So the time has come for TUP to come once again to the fore and get Britain working again!

Foreign Policy nightmare!

This is the only real way to describe the events of the last two months. With Atlantis’ corpse slowly cooling in the sand of PEACE we have to make a decision where to go. It appears our former allies in the USA and Spain are giving us the cold shoulder; the Germans don’t trust us anymore because of our pandering towards their worst enemies; Poland and Sweden don’t like us either because we fought against them for Germany; PEACE our arch-enemies of old are laughing at us and surreptitiously trying to convince our leaders to join them.

So what on earth do we do? We’re just a party after all- and not the party of government any longer! Well we’ve done a poll and we can tell you our stance on PEACE:

For Joining: 8%
Against Joining: 92%

The Unity Party can affirm its position regarding PEACE membership is strict opposition. We will oppose all attempts to join them at this point.

On the matter of Germany, I fought hard for our friends there. I cannot speak for the party, as we have not voted on the matter. However I know many members of TUP have been the strongest supporters of Germany and the strongest opponents of blatant Swedish imperialism. In the future I am willing to forget their past actions (everyone deserves a second chance) provided they aren’t terrorising poor Germany!

On the USA: We’re your friends. We’ve always been your friends. Yeah, sometimes the government has been anti-USA, sometimes it’s just been a bit useless at moving troops around. But those times are over, we have to pull together as friends and look to work on an alliance where everyone can be equal. The UK is often called a weak country, but the simple fact is we haven’t been at war in what seems like an age due to our isolated location. When we need to we can do some damage.

Don’t undo it all now.

Domestic Issues

Domestic affairs have been on hold for months now, since the last great reforms: Wellness fast and so on. Since then the UK has been foreign policy and military driven. But when I say military of course I mean the paratrooper elite not the common citizen. So what do we believe in?

A strong, non-exclusive military. The legion scheme proposed by TUP works, it just needs working on! What we have seen recently is a huge uproar about how bad the system is, then the UK military sneakily applying the exact same principles to the existing system. What we need is to do this openly, to make it clear to the public what’s going on! We saw a couple days ago the very first recruitment articles in months in the UK media. That, my friends, is crap. The military should be constantly recruiting, and the recruits should be ranking. Until we have a strong, high ranked, military we are doomed. Our target has to be eighty soldiers of general rank and above. Give men weapons and we’ll have that sooner.

An ambitious financial plan for the future!. I personally am working on this with PCP member Deilos as well as a few others. We need to put aside our differences with the PCP and unite around a genuinely left-wing plan for the nation. That means less pussyfooting around, more action. Less wondering why the economy is failing and more designing a system where the government can decide the economic future of its own country! At the minute when something goes wrong who knows what caused it? Maybe one of our super-corporations has ceased operating, crashing the job market. Maybe someone has stopped selling RM in the UK, and prices have soared? The only way to be able to protect jobs and protect wages is to have a left wing alternative to the current quasi-capitalist system.

A clear message from the government. You may have noticed a lot of papers have started advertising government newspapers. Those government papers need to actually start relaying information about plans for the future. Not just the usual reports, but ideas about what they could be doing. We want to know so that we can help, we can put our own two cents in. TUP isn’t about blind opposition; it’s about helping the government to be the best that they can be. That means that when we hear nothing from you we can’t do anything to help! Make use of our talents, our members. A TUP government would speak to the people, let them know what we’re doing, and ask for their help! Our strength is our citizens.


As you can see, I’ve just written this off the cuff. It’s just a summation of our intentions for the future; our intention to return to the forefront of British politics. To those who have felt in the dark as TUP articles have been rare, I apologise. Get involved by joining the forums and having your say directly.

Iain Keers
TUP Spokesman