TUP Supports The Coalition

Day 441, 02:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Despite the hard work being put into the manifesto of The Unity Party, it has quickly become apparent that as a single party, we can not win the Country Presidential Election. It concerns us that as a party, our ideals and plans for the future, are constantly overlooked. We feel we are letting down our members by simply having too few numbers. Though we work constantly to increase our ranks, this month is not the month to go it alone.

This is why we support the Coalition.

In the Coalition, all Left Wing parties have united. Each manifesto has been taken and amalgamated into one piece of documentation that will represent us all. No longer will the voices of The Unity Party be ignored. Through us joining, and through our democratically elected leader; Final Destiny; we can finally have a chance to fight for our political opinions. For too long have Right Wing dominated over Left Wing simply because we were divided. Now we shall unite, and put forward what will hopefully be a powerful and glorious camapaign, that will represent us and our fellow Socialist friends.

If you are a member of The Unity Party, we urge you to vote for Final Destiny, and The Coalition.

If you are a member of any other party, we urge you to look at the Coalitions manifesto and actually decide whether or not the Socialist Coalition would benefit the country or not. We think it will and that's why we support it.


Squiddy - Leader of The Unity Party
HazzN - Media Director of The Unity Party