TUP Presidential Candidate

Day 590, 14:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Hello Unity Party members, and hello once again to the general public!

Following our excellent turnout after the congress elections, we would like to announce our Presidential Candidate for July.

This decision has been highly anticipated by many people, and many a rumour flying around of who it might be(Yes Bob, it was either Woldy or Hassan 😃 ).

Well, after much collaboration, the party would like to announce that our candidate for July 09 is going to going to be, the one, the only;
Hassan Pesaran.

The PCP is also supporting Hassan in his run for presidency.

But who is Hassan?

Hassan was the;
TUP party president twice,
UK's Minister of Finance
UK's Minister of Defence twice,
UK's Minister of Information twice,
The Vice President twice,
The Royal Navy's Commanding Officer,
The Supreme Commander of Atlantis,
And he is currently our Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs.

Needless to say, Hassan is a very experienced player worthy of the role and of competing with the nearest rival, Dishmcds.

So, in a time, where the United Kingdom will be entering a new alliance, who better then this man to be leading our country?

The Unity Party Supports Hassan Pesaran, maybe you should too?

Together, We have the Potential.

The voting takes place on the 5th, remember to vote smart, and vote right - by voting left.