TUP Mayoral Candidates

Day 304, 09:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran
With the final Local Elections coming up tommorow, Ive taken a look at the TUP candidates running for Mayor in nine regions overall. The TUP candidates are a varied group of new members, who have only been in Erepublik for a couple of weeks, but have proved themselves responsible and intelligent on the National Forums, to the experienced members who already hold important positions such as Congressmen or are current Mayors.

Sir Graystar

Sir Graystar was currently malta_1990's running mate for the TUP Presidency. He has been extremely active on the National Forums, putting forward strong ideas and opinions. He plans to be just as active if elected Mayor and willing to push Cardiff forward.


Alan Hammond

Alan Hammond was elected Mayor of Leeds last month, and has done a sterling job. He has implemented the "London-Leeds" deal, to encourage inward migration into Leeds from the over-populated London. He has also brought up the Leeds Council to get more citizens involved, and he intends to build on these ideas more next month if re-elected.



Malta has gone a long way in the past month, becoming an extremely active Congressmen. He has been involved in all discussions and put forward some interesting points. He also ran for Party President last month and ran a close race, just losing out. It shows he has the ability to be active and do the right thing for his region.



Khala is currently TUP's representative on the Honours Comittee. He owns the succesfull newspaper "FABE", and is always willing to help out new members. Once again, Khala is another very active member and will do all he can to deal with the well-populated region Oxford, and encourage activity on the National Forums. He will also introduce a citizenship scheme and improve on the Oxford Council.



CBall is a vastly experienced Erepublik citizen. He was previously Party President for TUP and Head of Department of Work. He also currently owns the company "Gifts Gone Wild" and is a Congressmen. He did fantastic jobs in his past positions and intends to do the same for Liverpool.


Irakaz Ibalofa

Irakaz has posted some very intelligent comments while he has been TUP's representative for the Constitution. He has also had strong input in the party's internal forum and has proved himself a strong and active member. He plans to encourage Birmingham citizens to get more involved in Erepublik, by signing up on the forums or joining the army. Anything to make Birmingham a more vibrant city.


Siobhan Griffin

Siobhan may be new to Erepublik, but she has sure got herself stuck in. She has been highly active in the regional forums, putting forward new and innovative ideas to make Belfast a better region. Whether this be continuing gifting even if she is not elected, or offering houses as a prize for members of Belfast who contribute to bettering their region. A vote for Siobhan may not be for experience, but it certainly is for activity and innovation.



Eadie is a very experienced TUP member, currently being a Congressmen. He was formerly a Paratrooper, serving his country and has now been promoted to the Reserves CO, which effectively means he is head of the bulk of the eUK Army. He has been an active congressmen and is always looking for ways to improve things, whether this be a region or an army.



Last, but certainly not least, is Squiddy. Squiddy is the current Vice-President for TUP, along with his position of Congressmen. He put forward a promising proposal, which was only just rejected. Even this shows that he is ready to better his region with new, innovative ideas. Squiddy is also a key part of the London Council, so he already has experience of what is needed to be a Mayor. Squiddy is unbelievably active on the Forums, andis always willing to help.


All TUP's candidates are not just willing to do the job of Mayor, but take it one step further by offering activity, ideas and enthusiasm to improve their respective regions.

So use your vote wisely come 20th September and vote for what your region deserves; a TUP candidate.