TUP Conference Now Open

Day 517, 05:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
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Dear Friends,

This is a quick notification to let you know that the April TUP conference is currently underway on the forums. This is the venue which writes our manifesto for the coming conference term, and is your biggest chance as an ordinary citizen to influence the future of your country. By contributing now you could be writing the legislation of the future. All TUP members of congress are bound by our manifesto and so it is vitally important that we have as many contributions as possible.

Click Here To Visit Party Conference

This will also be your chance (from 23rd-25th) to amend our constitution if you don't like it. You can see our constitution here.

You can find instructions for how to join TUP on the forums HERE.

Thank you for your time,

Iain Keers
TUP Leader