TSP... The people's representative

Day 939, 14:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Socialist Party UK

You will not believe the week I just had... You do? Never mind then. Welcome to The Socialist Express, and your new editor for the month. As party president, I shall update about the party and the party’s view on the eUK and current events. I believe in transparency and equality, and will always make that my priority for the party. But for this issue, I shall focus on my plan for the party over the next month and our view of the upcoming congress elections.

It’s been an exciting month for me. End of exams, the world cup, and being elected party president of this fantastic party. I feel honoured to be given the privilege of leading this party forward to a new age. But I’m not here to talk about myself. I am here to talk about The Socialist Party. The TSP are focused on advancing equality for all players in the country, and alongside our core and term manifesto, we are the one TRUE voice representing the people. Whether you are a new player struggling with the strange complexity of the game, or a veteran disillusioned and disgusted about the stranglehold and lack of advancement of the nation, we are your choice. We are your ONLY choice.

But as we settle down under the leadership of our new party presidents, the eUK can look forward towards an exciting race towards Congress... Okay, when I say exciting, I mean an election campaign dominated by the TUP and UKRP. Although sharing similar policies between our two parties, the TUP have lost sight of the smaller player whilst they focus on pleasing the minority of influence. The TSP is NOT like this. We are THE party for the people, whether influential or small, you will be treated the same. We will listen to your opinions, views and proposals, and debate them TOGETHER. How can you claim to be a socialist party if you cannot represent the views of the people? You can’t. I’m glad to say The Socialist Party fulfils all these requirements, and more. We are here to represent you at the HIGHEST level. Let us advance together and create a new socialist frontier in the eUK.

In the end, we can change a country with people who want to change. And with v2 on its way, change is ready to move in. Let us be here for that moment, and move the eUK forward to a new era.