True Blue ~ The Past, the Present and the Future

Day 398, 05:03 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

Let me start with a brief history, True Blue is a company that was originally founded in the UK many moons ago by Corny-ratbag and Tim09 in the hope that it would one day see the independence of Australia. It all started with a gift company that banded together with some mayors and supplied the NHS with steady long term sustainable prices. After a couple of months of trading in the UK, gaining a food company and a helping hand (Cheeseball), TB saw a need to setup in Indonesia readying itself for the independence of Australia.

With V1 just around the corner True Blue had 2 important issues that it had to think about, the need for raw material and regaining Australia's independence. On the first day of V1 TB established two companies in Perth, Indonesia. True Blue Diamonds and True Blue Grain were both established with the intent to export to the UK and to be used once Australia was independent again. True Blue Grain quickly became pointless in business plan for the UK. Instead it sold on the Indonesian market providing affordable grain. Meanwhile Diamonds exported to the UK and was upgraded to q2. TB also picked up True Blue Tucker as a food company ready for when Australia was independent.

In terms of Independence True Blue agreed to provide jobs and reasonably priced products to Australians in the lead up to independence and after independence. Tim09 and Cheeseball attended the first round of "talks" with Indonesia that did not end too well. Tim09 also attended the successful discussions that happened after the failed independence war. During the Independence Wars True Blue provided a continuous supply of gifts to UK, Australian and foreign soldiers. Around this time True Blue also bought C&C Food (located in Victoria), sold the original TB Tucker (located in Western Australia), renamed C&C Food to True Blue Tucker, upgraded it to Q5 and began to participate in Operation Esky. Between the wars and operation Esky it is estimated that True Blue donated approximately 100g worth of supplies to Australia alone.

Today True Blue Boasts an impressive portfolio of companies spanning 3 countries. With Food(Q1) and Gifts(Q1) still going strong in the UK, 2 Diamond companies(Q2) in Indonesia and True Blue Tucker (Q5), Grain (Q3), Iron (Q2), Weapons (Q2), Tents (Q1) and Lumber (Q1) in Australia. True Blue offers more than just a product, we offer a number of extra benefits, including Cheeseball actively gifting the UK military as part of the TB service. But this is not where we intend to stop, we aim in becoming a world wide recognised company to strengthen other countries bonds with True Blue and the country we represent, Australia. We will always stick close to Australia and put her first and foremost in our business dealings, be this with job prevision, fair prices, or even monetary support to the government if needs be.

True Blue intends to steady its expansion within Australia to allow other companies to prosper. We have not monopolised the markets in Australia and nor do we intend to, we have simply put our money into providing jobs with companies which was and still is needed. A few have actually accused us of doing this monopoly or acting as a right wing company. This is not true, while yes we do make profit, we do make less than most companies by providing decent, fair wages and a good price for the consumer. We earn, yes, we have expanded, yes. But in this our aims are to be a financially viable company so we can SUPPORT our workers, consumers and Australia in general.

Signed the True Blue Team

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Don't forget to enter the True Blue Chirstmas Lottery. The prize pool is now worth over 70AUD and first prize will have a guaranteed winner. Tickets are only 1AUD each. Please see here for details -
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