Travis James- A New Face On The Scene

Day 650, 10:36 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Arthur Reynolds

Hello, poeple of Austria. Today I bring you an offering of a in depth with Travis James, pary president of The Austrian Independece Party, hopefuly this interview will provide an insight into the AIP and it's PP.

1. Tell me a bit about yourself.

Well, I’ve been an eAustrian for my entire eLife, although I’m in California irl. I’ve been active in eRepublik for the better part of two months now and I have every intention of continuing to stay active in Austrian politics for the foreseeable future. There isn’t too much to say about my eLife, but I’m level 15 (nearing 16), 1 time super soldier, and so, so close to achieving the rank of Lieutenant.

My Comment: Not hard worker?

2. What does your party, and yourself stand for?

The Austrian Independence Party stands for a more independent, peaceful and prosperous Austria. The main focus of the party at this point is to get Austria on a more independent course. For instance, we don’t feel that Austria needs to participate in every action of PEACE GC. PEACE GC is a defensive alliance and if the member states choose to embark upon wars of conquest, we don’t feel that Austria is obliged to participate if the war isn’t in our own best interests.

My Comment: Yes I very hoof point we don’t need to be involved in every one PEACE’s activities. Although they are useful in helping defend the country, if we build defence systems we won’t need them.

3.Do you have any policies , or ideas that you want to share, that you believe could benefit Austria if implemented?

Yes, I think amongst other things, that we need to reform the tax laws in Austria. Many of them are alright at this point, but I think Austria needs to do more to protect ourselves from floods of inexpensive foreign goods. Not to say that I’m promoting economic isolationism, I just think that if we had a tax code that helped level the playing field for our own producers that we would all benefit through the creation of Austrian jobs. On the same note, I would like to see more government assistance for people trying to establish businesses in Austria. If we help our entrepreneurs establish themselves, I think it will help us build a more export based economy that will result in a more robust economy. On the foreign relations front, I’d like to see the Burgenland returned to us at some point so that we can benefit from the medium wood that is present there. In addition to that, I’d like to see the government invest in one or maybe two more hospitals (not necessarily Q5, but at least Q3) so that we don’t have our population concentrated all in Styria. I would also like to eventually see defence systems built in all of our regions so that we can take the matter of national defence into our own hands and rely less upon alliances.

My Comment: On the topic of the population being concentrated in Styria- there dosn't have to be more hospitals to make it even - when there is war games on people move there , when they come more citizens tdepart Styria, then spread around the other regions.Then they find a reaigon to stay put in. In my view more should be done try to encourage this. As a result of this the problem of not enough people running for congress in the smaller regions would be solved.

4.As the Party President, who has the power to change your party’s name- why did you chose to rename it-( Social Libertarian Party) The Austrian Independence Party?

I chose to change the name of the party because I felt that we were going in a new direction and I wanted a name that made it clear that our party is primarily focused on securing an independent future for Austria so that we don’t have to rely completely upon PEACE GC for protection and imports.

My Comment: A very good move.

5.Currently AIP has a modest membership count, it possess 14 members, in a couple of months how many members do you aim to have?

Our current party count is relatively small when compared to most of the other parties in Austria, but I think that’s partly due to the fact that we just aren’t that well known yet. Over the course of the next few months, I’d like to try and at least double the membership of the party. I’d like to try and expand our base to include recent war refugees and other Austrians who are fed up with the way parties are usually run. One thing about the Austrian Independence Party is that we do our best to include every member in the decision making process. Before making big decisions, I like to try and solicit opinions and ideas from all of our members and I think people find it refreshing that we are an inclusive party.

My Comment; To be honest your arty are quite well known, you have been around for long time now. Aiming to double the membership count is extremely ambitious, but it can be done, to be successful you have to aim high, striving to reach your goals.

6.For a party of just 14 members to have 6 congress members is a rather impressive feat; considering that other, like the PSP, have less congress members, but more members. Do you aspire to gain more congress men in the next set of elections?

Yes, I am extremely proud of how well we did in the recent congressional elections. My expectations were certainly met, to say the least. We have a disproportionately high ratio of congressional seats to party members and I think that’s mostly because we have a very active base. The key is really about organization, communication amongst party members and just making sure that members feel like they have the party supporting them in their political aspirations.

My Comment: Completely true you probably have a higher number of active members than the PSP.

7.Will you be running for the mantle of PP again?

We’ve made a lot of progress as a party in the last few weeks, but I think we still have a ways to go before I’ll feel completely comfortable about our staying power as a party. Unless someone else approaches me and has a very compelling reason for me not to run, then I will seek a second term as PP so that I can continue the work that we have begun.

My Comment: I can’t envisage any of your current member being a capable PP, as of yet.

8.Is there anyone you have in mind to one day, sooner or later, succeed you as PP?

think we have any number of options when it comes to finding a successor. That’s the great thing about this party, we have a lot of people who are passionate about their beliefs and who are dedicated enough to take up the responsibilities of PP. I haven’t discussed succession with anyone directly, but there are a few members who I would certainly feel comfortable turning the party over to if that became necessary.

My Comment: Would you be referring to the likes of Rangeley?

9.You made the decision to support Lynari- why support him over any of the other candidates? Why not give it a go yourself?

As of right now, I don’t think we’re at a place where the Austrian Independence Party can run our own candidate for president. We’re just too small and unknown at the moment. As far as my decision to back Lynari, I think he’s done a tremendous job as president and I think that he will continue to do so if elected again. Ideally, I would have loved to run someone from my own party, not necessarily me, but like I said, Lynari has done good things for this country and I know he has Austria’s best interests at heart.

My Comment: It seems that you are big on promoting your party and spreading the word about it( hopefully this article will help), surely if the party were to field a candidate a large percentage of players who didn’t know about AIP would then discover it.

10.In your eyes can a member of AIP one day become the president of Austria?

I think that given our success in the last few weeks, if we can manage to keep up that kind of performance in congressional elections and increase our membership that it’s certainly within the realm of possibility for us to win the presidency.

My Comment: It’s not going to happened soon but it is “within the realm of possibility”.

11.In, say two months, were can the AIP be?

In two months, I’d like to see us with somewhere between 20 and 30 members and at least 10 congress people. Some people might think that’s ambitious, but I think a lot of people are looking for a party like our own and as we become better known we’ll be able to increase our already disproportionate congressional presence.

My Comment: “10 congress people”, I my mind that is slightly unrealistic, if Austria continues to grow then it will become increasingly difficult to acquire more congress members. Perhaps 8 is a more manageable aim.

12.What is your view on the controversial organisation, PEACE?

PEACE… Personally, I have mixed feelings about PEACE. I like the idea of a defensive alliance which seeks to protect the weak from the strong, but I think that PEACE has gone so far off track from the founding principles that it has become what it sought to fight. This current war is not about defence, it is about revenge. PEACE needs to either drastically reorganize its priorities or perhaps even disband.

My Comment: The defensive side of things has helped tremendously. Things have got out of ahnd by them conquering most of America.

13. One more thing; is Travis James your real name? well it’s just a bit strange that’s all.

Haha, sort of… Travis is my first name and James is my middle name. Granted, it is somewhat of a strange name and I’m definitely glad I don’t have it irl.

I would like to thank Travis James for undergoing this at short notice. Hope you enjoyed it.

Thank You