Trap Companies: What They Are and What Can You Do About It

Day 698, 15:00 Published in USA USA by Turd Fergusen
What are they?

As everyone has read (or should have read) in the DoD orders, several trap companies have been set up in the eUS. Trap companies are companies that hire mass amounts of low level players at ridiculously high wages. These companies do not intend to pay their employees. Instead they are established to confuse noobies, and cause them to quit. The easy solution to trap companies is to simply resign (press the large red button in the top right corner). But for noobs, sometimes, this game can be overwhelming. This game feature several complex modules that noobs struggle to understand so when they finally figure out how to work, and they can't, they just quit out of frustation.

Why they suck.

Trap companies will limit the amount of new players that stay in the game. New players are the foundation of this game, if they are prevented from ranking, then the game will decline, and no one wants that. Trap companies have been used by both sides in the past and have been pretty successful. For example Company For New Players currently has 182 employees. These employees are almost all inactive noobies that quit after they found out they weren't getting paid.

To Whoever owns a trap company:

So What Can I Do About it?

Well other than getting the word out by shouts and media you can simply go to a trap company, and apply/resign many times over and over. This may not stop the problem, but it may take awhile before the douche behind the company notices that the job offers are all missing, but this is still very unlikely to work. In case you figure "why not use specialize programs (such a macros) to get rid of these offers via repitive tasking, don't.

Moot, an active greek fellow PM'd me explaining how he tried this and removed about 1800 fake job offer using above method. Yay! Sounds great huh? Well apparently its illegal to use macro programs or any of the like via law 6.2 of eRepublik. Here is the admin response given by Moot during a PM:

"We are aware of the issue, but your way is not the one to counter it. It is indeed illegal, and we must ask you to discontinue doing it. The solution of the problem is in the making, and it will hopefully come out soon" so don't do that if you fear the BANHAMMER!

Another thing you can do according to is PM the noobies at the trap companies.
Thore Thoreson explains how (quotes cause im lazy lol):

"You can also message babies and let them know they are allowed to quit if they can't work, I send 10-20 messages a day and have gotten a fairly favorable response. I know this is slower, but sometimes a message in the inbox is worth 15 newspaper articles. BTW, the company you highlighted, "Company for New Players" is for sale, 25G. It's almost worth it to buy it and get it out of business.."

Here are the trap companies detected by the DoD orders:

U.S. Dept. of Labor

CIA Stock No. 5

Company for New Players

Company for a Bigger USA

In conclusion, I think whether you are PEACE, Eden, Brolliance.....or the eUK (eww), trap companies are pretty shitty. If douchebags such as this guy:
insist on trying to bait noobs, the game will be ruined for everyone!