Training System! HELP NEEDED!

Day 752, 15:28 Published in USA USA by batterytime

I've seen much outrage over the fact that you can now BUY your way up the military ladder, by spending gold to increase your strength. I am also one of the people who dislike this, but what I dislike even MORE is that there seems to be a different cost for different people to do this "expediated training". I for one have to spend 5 gold to get 200% extra str, while some of my friends only need to spend 1.8 gold.

EDIT: It has been confirmed that the prices are given out randomly to every person. However, the probability of such an occurrence is now the goal of this project. I am to find the probability of getting cheap, expensive, or limited options, as well as what sort of different splits there were.

Please, I am trying to find out how to figure out how the prices for training are calculated. Please help by filling in the following form:


Once I get some data, I'll keep this article updated with results. Thank you for your help!